Sunday May 22

Looking for a few blog savvy web designers for an unserved market

With the increasing attention given to blogs, a rising number of non-techie professionals are seeking to create their own voice on the internet. Lawyers, SEO professionals, online marketers, political pundits and even ad agency executives. But they don't have a resource centre to cater to their needs. What they need are blogs designed to give their readership the impression of their professionalism, cost effective hosting and support for simple amendments to their sites. They can get their own free templates right now, but they want unique designs and hands-off solutions to shrink their learning curve to blogging.

I'm looking for web designers to form a small group that's willing to work with this unserved target market to:

  1. Create professional-looking (as opposed to cute-looking) unique templates for hosted blog CMSes like Wordpress, MT and Typepad.
  2. Export existing blog archives to the CMS of choice.
  3. Create blogs that are optimised for non-techies to go straight to blogging with all the latest and most helpful extensions and spam-blocking plugins in place (in other words, all the stuff you'd put into your own blog)
  4. Create money-making blog design with Adsense placements optimised for click-throughs.
  5. Write markup that's optimised for search engines using techniques such as content-before-navigation markup, image replacement, verbose text links, deep-linking navigation, keyword-optimised design and search engine friendly URLs.
  6. Write simple tutorials for frequently-required adjustments to templates for the various CMSes
  7. Provide basic support in forums

I've been asked enough times to believe there is a market for these services. If there are already groups similar to this concept, then the market is growing at a far faster pace than they can adequately serve. There is room for competition here.

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Sounds a great idea. I wish iit was available now.

I use Trellix on my domaindirect account. But it handles blogs rather poorly.

Posted by Geoff on May 26, 05 | 1:29 am Permalink

I run the Professional Network community for Six Apart ( and we’ve got thousands of people participating right now who are focused on these topics.… is there more we could do to publicize this in a way that would make it useful to you?

Posted by Anil Dash on May 26, 05 | 8:22 am Permalink

Count me in Tim :-)

Not sure how much time I can dedicate to this, but give me shout if you need anything.

Posted by Richard@Home on May 26, 05 | 4:13 pm Permalink
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