Tim Yang’s Weblog

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Got flushed

Jul 2005

My hosting account got flushed again. Happened around the same time last year. This time for completely different reasons. But it just feels the same — it’s been a crappy few days. Lost all my archives and I’m completely exhausted from fighting fires. But the good thing is, I have no excuse not to switch from Pmachine Pro to Wordpress. It will take some time to rebuild this blog again, so please excuse the mess. I’ll probably be posting a few more Wordpress related posts than I did before while I learn this new system.


  1. # Erik on July 16th, 2005

    does the mean the wiki is gone too. Someone just directed to your “Thing to do with RSS” article, which I thought was GREAT, and then the next day — poof!. :(

  2. # Tim on July 17th, 2005

    Hi Erik, thanks for looking into it. That wiki page is back. I re-created it from a Google cache and spent a little time editing it into wiki format. So that part is ok now.

  3. # Pontus on July 17th, 2005

    Good luck with wordpress and the “new” blog. (Found your blog from the “Thing to do with RSS”-article some time ago. Great blog…)

    // Pontus, Sweden

  4. # Douglas Clifton on July 18th, 2005

    Hey Tim,

    I was wondering why your feed kept returning “XML Parse Error.” Welcome back! ~d

  5. # Tim on July 18th, 2005

    Douglas, it has been an awful week. I’m on a friend’s box, but I have to find a permanent home. Been busy trying to rescue as much as I can and trying to sort myself out. The feed should be working now. But Bloglines is having some trouble polling it so I’ve sent them an email to ask them to reset it.

  6. # Gemme on July 18th, 2005

    Good to see you back.

  7. # Douglas Clifton on July 19th, 2005

    Yup, the feed is functional again (for me anyway). ~d

  8. # Pujiono on July 22nd, 2005

    Welcome to WP empire….

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