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RSS2PDF.com - Read news from feeds on a printable document

Jul 2005

I think the whole point behind converting a feed to a PDF file is to be able to print it out for reading in hard copy. But the PDF output generated by this free online tool looks so plain. I think the next step for RSS2PDF.com is to allow some customisation of the output — for example, changing of the font or the font size at the very least as well as choices of layouts.

RSS 2 PDF - Online RSS or Atom Newsfeed to PDF Generator


  1. # Tom Churm on August 1st, 2005

    Hey, thanks for commenting on my site, Tim!

    You’re right, the pdfs generated are pretty ugly. Please bear with me - there will be additions and improvements over time.

    Anyone else have comments on how to improve the rss2pdf service? I’d be glad to hear from you.

  2. # Tom Churm on August 1st, 2005

    ahh, i just added OPML 2 PDF functionality, which i think enables people to put together a kind of PDF Digest of their favorite feeds…

  3. # Uli on August 6th, 2005

    user can use a free version of rss2pdf at http://www.rss2pdf.org


  4. # Uli on August 11th, 2005


    with http://www.feed2mail.org you can send your feed to friends via email. No need to create a PDF before.


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