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Blog broker agent?

Aug 2005

I wonder if there’s a blog broker agent out there yet? Someone who sources blogs with sales potential and matches them with buyers and vice versa. It wouldn’t be a difficult kind of business. It’s already fairly simple to judge the sales potential of a blog — based on the blog’s cache of loyal readers (RSS readers), blogosphere credibility (link-ins), current and projected traffic, current and projected Adsense earnings, size of archive and likeability of the blog. The seller would have to sign an exclusive contract with the agent. And the agent makes a sales commission from one party or both. Might be worth looking into now with so many marketers trying to break into blogs and so many bloggers wanting to make money.


  1. # Randy Charles Morin on August 6th, 2005

    There are definately people doing something like this. Every few weeks, I’m contacting by someone who wants to sell ads on my site. I’ve never accepted, since the ads are based on actual sales, which I could never validate (I hate Amazon).

  2. # Tim on August 6th, 2005

    Ah, I think you’re talking about selling adspace on a blog. I was thinking about people who go around buying whole blogs with domain and all.

  3. # LOFTNINJA on September 13th, 2005

    Ahhh yes! Well Ive been blogging for about 10 months here in NYC (Brooklyn) and im a broker. I have a couple of blogs actually….
    listings and RSS
    fotos and neighborhood images
    Its been very interesting, having never taken any computer classes in school. With 2 bachelors degrees in philosophy and anthropology, I should be able to figure out just about anything, right? It was actually Randy (on tribe.net) that helped me out with the RSS to email way back when—(while he developed the Rmail) The fotos are my passion though…showing people the areas that they are being forced to move to due to higher and higher rents.
    In fact, a buddy and I have been working on this:
    Theres over 40 RE agents in the country blogging right now!

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