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The most frustrating job at Google

Sep 2005

After I posted about Philipp Lenssen’s poll of Blogspot blog’s, I thought: the guy who has to come up with a new “Blogs of Note” for Blogger’s dashboard every day must have the most frustrating job in the whole of Google. Half of the blogs he has to survey (and I reckon he must go through hundreds each day) is spam. Poor bastard.


  1. # » Is Blogger Spam Ruining Your Job?  InsideGoogle » part of the Blog News Channel on September 2nd, 2005

    [...] Tim Yang gets it: … I thought: the guy who has to come up with a new “Blogs of Note” for Blogger’s dashboard every day must have the most frustrating job in the whole of Google. Half of the blogs he has to survey (and I reckon he must go through hundreds each day) is spam. Poor bastard. [...]

  2. # Marshall on September 6th, 2005

    Humerous post given that I just noticed your comment over at SEOBlackHat. I’m sure you have the best of intentions, though, given the things I’ve seen you do so far. Just got a laugh from it.

  3. # Pete Freitag on September 15th, 2005

    Lets hope that guy also deletes the spam blogs - then his job might be fun!

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