Tim Yang’s Weblog


Problogger Clean Theme for Wordpress

Filed under: Blogging, Wordpress — Tim Yang @ 12:56 am
Customisation (the first and only things you need to do)
  1. Make your urls search engine friendly - Many features of this theme rely on search engine friendly urls. Without it, the links to the RSS feed won’t work and neither will the archive and search page links. Go to your dashboard, click on ‘Options’, then click on ‘Permalinks’. Read the instructions and save a structure. Mine looks like ‘/%year%/%monthnum%/%postname%/’ (without the quotes). Save.
  2. Change your Adsense client user ID - Very important. The adsense code comes with NO user id specified. You must insert your own into the adsense control panel in the theme admin panel.
  3. Make sure all your user contact details are filled in - if you don’t use all the IM services or you don’t want your email displayed, you have to remove references to them in the template code in all three sidebars files - sidebars.php, sidebarsingle.php and sidebarspage.php. Otherwise, they will show gaps in the theme.
  4. Create a Search page - Go to your dashboard. Click on ‘Write’ and then ‘Write Page’. In the page title, type Search. Select ‘Search Page’ from the Page Template dropdown menu. And type search as the page slug. Click on ‘Create New Page’ and you have a search page!
  5. Create an Archive page - Same with the Search page instructions, except with Archive. Go to your dashboard. Click on ‘Write’ and then ‘Write Page’. In the page title, type Archive. Select ‘Archives’ from the Page Template dropdown menu. And type archive as the page slug. Click on ‘Create New Page’ and you have an archive page!
  6. Set up Asides (optional) - The default name of the asides category is Asides. If yours isn’t named that, then go to problogger-functions.php and change the name of the asides category near the bottom of the script. Any post categorised under the asides category will be displayed as an Asides.
List of files
  1. Adsense (folder) - contains all the Adsense code in includes files to streamline the markup
  2. Comments.php - an includes-file that contain the markup for the comments section, so when you call this file, comments will be added to any page
  3. Footer.php - an includes-file that contains all the markup for the footer bar with the copyright notice and theme credits
  4. Functions.php - a file of code that defines the theme control menu and makes use of the definitions in themetoolkit.php to enable the features of the theme
  5. Header.php - an includes-file that contains all the markup for the header section that calls all the javascript files and stylesheets and has the metatag data and RSS file location
  6. Images (folder) - contains the image files for the RSS subscription buttons
  7. Index.php - the default file that contains the markup that generates the pages of the blog
  8. JS (folder) - contains the problogger-clean.js file that contains all the javascript that controls pop-ups and optional-ads
  9. Noads.css - the stylesheet file that contains the markup that allows Adsense ads to appear and reappear when requested by the blog visitor
  10. Page.php - the Wordpress file that generates static pages
  11. Print.css - this is the second of three stylesheet files in the theme and this one removes all the ads, sidebars and footer for printouts of any page generated by the blog, including static pages
  12. Search.php - the includes-file that contains the markup to generate the search results pages for the blog
  13. Searchform.php - the includes-file that contains the markup to generate the search form for the blog
  14. Sidebar.php - the includes-file that contains the markup for the sidebars for the blog homepage (it has the RSS subscription buttons block but not the tell-a-friend block)
  15. Sidebarpage.php - the includes-file that contains the markup for the sidebars for the static pages (this is the cleanest sidebar because it has all the Adsense blocks but most of the other blocks are removed)
  16. Sidebarsingle.php - the includes-file that contains the markup for the sidebars for the single-post pages (it has Adsense blocks, the tell-a-friend block and the internal linking blocks but the RSS subscription block is removed)
  17. Single.php - the Wordpress file that generates the single post pages of the blog
  18. Style.css - the default stylesheet file that contains all the stylesheet markup and has been arranged by sections (homepage, archive, sidebars, footer)
  19. Tellafriend.php - the includes file that contains the markup and functions that allow the blog visitors to email a link to the single post pages of the blog
  20. Templatearchive.php - the includes file that contains the markup for the archive page(s)
  21. Templatesearch.php - the includes file that contains the markup for the search page that also calls the searchform.php file
  22. Themetoolkit.php - this file is a PHP class definition, complicated stuff that work under the hoods, you’re never supposed to have a look inside

And that’s it, that’s all you need to do! Thunderbirds are go! Just a reminder: If you choose to use this theme, please do email me or leave a comment about it on the support forum (I thought the theme discussion would get too long for the comments section of this blog). We’d really like to see how you use it so that we can get more ideas on improving themes.


  1. Hey Tim, first time here. Looks like you have an interesting template going here. I think we need something that’s specilized like you have it here. I downloaded it and will test it out. Any issues with Google policies?

    Drop me a line or msn blogvp @ hotmail.com

    Comment by Andy @ blogvp — 18/11/2023 @ 1:14 pm

  2. this looks very nice. I will give it a try.

    Comment by Markus — 18/11/2023 @ 6:39 pm

  3. Great idea, but the design isn’t good. The page all merges together, the columns, ads and posts mix, making reading an uncomfortable experience.

    Very clever but consult with someone that understands design for V3.

    Comment by Jackdaw — 18/11/2023 @ 11:10 pm

  4. We’ve asked Google about an official statement over this issue. We will let people know when they reply.

    Anyway and whatever their answer will be, this feature will probably remain a “use at your own risk” feature :)

    Comment by Ozh — 19/11/2023 @ 12:45 am

  5. [...] Tim Yang and Ozh have released Problogger Clean, a clean 3 columns theme for WordPress. [...]

    Pingback by Caught in the World "Wild" Web » Problogger Clean - Adsense featured Wordpress theme — 19/11/2023 @ 3:09 am

  6. [...] Voit ladata teeman täältä. Tulemme myös kokeilemaan tarkemmin kyseistä teemaa hakukoneoptimointi.comi:ssa lähiaikoina. [...]

    Pingback by Hakukoneoptimointi » Google Adsense optimoitu blogiteema — 19/11/2023 @ 3:28 am

  7. Hi Tim, Great work. I’m the sort that likes to keep everything simple, and this theme fits my needs perfectly, as I prepare to launch my first WordPress blog.

    Yeah, I’m also wondering if there’re any issues with Google policies.

    Also, I’m wonding how to get WP excerpts displayed in the homepage and in the RSS feeds. I’ve nil PHP experience!

    Comment by George — 19/11/2023 @ 1:55 pm

  8. George,

    This template does not support excerpts. But you can add them easily. Go to the Presentation menu then Theme Editor. Edit the Main Template and place this code which I got from the Wordpress Codex and replace the <? php the_content; ?> line:

    <? php if(is_category() || is_archive()) {
    } else {
    } ?>

    That should do it. Any other tips, Ozh?

    Comment by Tim — 19/11/2023 @ 3:24 pm

  9. I just noticed that digitalpoint is doing something similar, they are manipulating google code, and not just copying what google provides.

    Let us know what you hear from google, if anything.

    Comment by andy @ blogvp.com — 19/11/2023 @ 6:42 pm

  10. Hi Tim and Ozh,

    This is a terrific idea! As a non-techie, I love the ease of using it — no mucking around with PHP code!

    I have a question that may be rather dumb.

    I often write several posts at one time and set them to publish on future dates - say, 1 post every 2 days or so. To ensure that wordpress pings pingomatic and other services each time a post appears, I use a plugin called WP-Corn in conjunction with WP-Cron Future Pings. (Plugins authored by Scott Merill, his site is at: http://www.skippy.net/blog/plugins/)

    (These plugins are required because by default, wordpress sends out pings at the time you save a future date post, not when the posts are actually published. In other words, WP sends one single ping for all future posts, not one ping each time a post is published.)

    So my question is: will the above plugins continue to work if I’m using your template? Wondering if there is anything in your theme that will nullify the effect of those plugins.

    Like I said, this may be a dumb question — I don’t know the first thing about any coding! :)

    Thanks and best regards,

    Comment by Sanjeev — 19/11/2023 @ 6:52 pm

  11. [...] Voit ladata teeman täältä. Tulemme myös kokeilemaan tarkemmin kyseistä teemaa hakukoneoptimointia.comi:ssa lähiaikoina. [...]

    Pingback by Hakukoneoptimointi » Google Adsense optimoitu blogiteema — 19/11/2023 @ 8:59 pm

  12. Ozh has had a reply from Google regarding the changing of the Adsense code. The reply is posted here. It looks like they are not giving their blessing, but they are not going to interfere with this usage of their code.

    Comment by Tim — 20/11/2023 @ 12:42 pm

  13. Sanjeev, I shouldn’t think anything would interfere with the use of your plugin. The PHP in the theme doesn’t use cron jobs. All the PHP code as far as I remember is for display-only purposes.

    Comment by Tim — 20/11/2023 @ 12:45 pm

  14. Hi Tim, am currently testing your new Problogger Clean template on my site.

    One problem though: my blogroll doesn’t appear for some reason and I don’t know why and I would like your help.


    Comment by Paul — 20/11/2023 @ 5:27 pm

  15. This new theme is really great. I’ve got a couple of suggestions for improvement (unless its due to the way I implemented it or due to my misunderstanding of how to use it).

    • add WP-ADMIN button on page
    • add EDIT button under individual post
    • hide COMMENT button under post if commenting is disabled
    • add support for PAGES (these appear on the default them, can be used to reference disclaimers, terms of use, facts about blogger, etc)
    • when I use the Del.icio.us button, I can go populate the info but when I click SAVE, it either (i) says page not found or (ii) posts it but hangs (and when I try to close it, it closes all browser windows)

    Comment by AG — 20/11/2023 @ 10:03 pm

  16. sorry about the above. I inserted a dash at the start of each point and it translated that into a font change

    Comment by AG — 20/11/2023 @ 10:04 pm

  17. [...] Some exciting new WordPress theme links for today (all courtesy of Blogging Pro): The purpose of theme (besides putting out something that’s different from the herd) is to promote the use of social networking within Wordpress…Other neat features include an advanced layout, support for multiple plugins, the ability for registered users to add tags, livesearch, ajax commenting and an archives page with support for extended live archives. Squibble . No CSS or graphical showcase here, the theme focuses on the content you are writing. A close attention has been given to internal navigation, internal linking, article promotion and search engine optimization, so that both readers and the Googlebot can easily find everthing they are looking for. Several features of this theme are concerning Adsense. When most (all ?) themes today come ad free and are a blogger’s hell to nicely implement ads in a layout that was not designed for it, Problogger Clean comes with built-in ads, with optimized colors and positions.Problogger Clean . Enable your visitors to recreate their reading experience by customizing your website live with the power of AJAX in the back. Many new built-in plugins with interesting functions included, like “sticky notes”, “global bookmarks” and “off site content aggregation”, to name a few. One of the most innovative functions is the possibility to load your presets on every BP powered website. Bloxpress. Technorati Tags: Blogging Manhattan New York WordPress [...]

    Pingback by Englishman in New York » Sunset in the City — 21/11/2023 @ 1:16 am

  18. [...] No CSS or graphical showcase here, the theme focuses on the content you are writing. A close attention has been given to internal navigation, internal linking, article promotion and search engine optimization, so that both readers and the Googlebot can easily find everthing they are looking for. Several features of this theme are concerning Adsense. When most (all ?) themes today come ad free and are a blogger’s hell to nicely implement ads in a layout that was not designed for it, Problogger Clean comes with built-in ads, with optimized colors and positions.Problogger Clean. [...]

    Pingback by Englishman in New York » Sunset in the City — 21/11/2023 @ 1:17 am

  19. [...] Downloaded a new theme for WordPress last night: Problogger Clean. Only problem that I found with it after implementing it was that there is no link to get to the Admin section of the blog. Makes it a little tough to get back in (now that I have the URL path it wouldn’t be as much of an issue). So, for the moment I’ve gone back to the current theme. Maybe I’ll poke around it a bit more and see if I can configure it a little more for the way that I like. Posted by Rod @ 9:27 am :: CSS, Blogs Comment RSS :: Trackback URI [...]

    Pingback by Rain City Geek » WordPress Theme Issues — 21/11/2023 @ 1:32 am

  20. AG

    The link to the admin control panel from the blog is worth considering. I do believe the edit button on individual posts is already there. The link looks like a little UP-pointing arrow head. The hiding of the comment button is a good suggestion that we’ll put in the next version. The support for the pages is definitely there already because it is needed so the Search and Archive pages on the top menu can be linked. I’m not sure what the issue with the del.icio.us button is — could it be that you are not logged into del.icio.us already before you posted to del.icio.us?

    Comment by Tim — 21/11/2023 @ 2:40 pm

  21. AG

    This theme doesn’t have a link to the Admin Control panel. But because many people have requested for it, it will be in the next version.

    In the meantime, you can add the link to the admin control panel to both the sidebar files using the built in WP theme editor. Edit the two Sidebar files. The WP Codex has information at: http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/wp_register.

    The simplest syntax is <? php wp_register(); ?>

    Comment by Tim — 21/11/2023 @ 4:00 pm

  22. Having issues with the sidebar templates moving over the top of the post when comments are allowed and not logged in as a user. If logged in then everything displays fine. Seems to me the comment box breaks the sidebar…. not sure. Anyway, great theme! So far I dig it! Would like the tags etc. that you have on here to be part of the build but overall a great project.

    Comment by Rick — 21/11/2023 @ 11:48 pm

  23. [...] WP Themes: Problogger Clean. Tim Yang and Ozh made this 3 column Wordpress theme. It has a nice clean simple layout. Optimized Adsense block built in. Search engine optimization. And many more to help you start making money from your blog. Just don’t forget to keep blogging good content, will you? [...]

    Pingback by WP Themes: Problogger Clean at ericsetiawan.com — 23/11/2023 @ 1:28 pm

  24. [...] Tim Yang’s Geek Blog » Problogger Clean Theme for Wordpress [...]

    Pingback by Link Right 2 » Tim Yang’s Geek Blog » Problogger Clean Theme for Wordpress — 23/11/2023 @ 1:33 pm

  25. I am using this theme on my blog. The adsense blocks appear when viewed using MSIE, but do not appear when using Mozilla Firefox 1.5.

    Comment by Arthur — 24/11/2023 @ 1:08 pm

  26. How do I change colors from the built-in adsense blocks?

    Comment by Arthur — 24/11/2023 @ 1:10 pm

  27. I have your theme installed. I love it, and thanks.
    I am trying to find away to have the default adsense set to off. I will want the adsense once I get approved for an account, but do not have an account yet.

    Is there a way to just turn it off or have it default to off?

    Comment by JLT — 26/11/2023 @ 5:17 pm

  28. Tim,
    Another problem I am having and after hours of trying to figure it out I thought I would ask you the pro. I can not get sidebar 2 to be at the top where it needs to be. It is always below sidebar 1.

    Any help here?

    Comment by JLT — 27/11/2023 @ 1:30 am

  29. I found your site searching for wordpress themes optimized for adsense. I downloaded your template and tested it out on one of my blogs using firefox. I noticed some of the stuff on the page overlaps and looks weird. I also think there is too much going on, it needs to be simplified. Great effort though. I’m sure a lot of people will use it.

    Comment by Jeff — 28/11/2023 @ 8:10 am

  30. Arthur, can you try clicking on the “Reload this blog with ads” link on the sidebar? If you clicked on the “Reload this blog without ads” link in any blog page using this theme recently, the cookie may still be active and may be making all the ads disappear.

    Comment by Tim — 28/11/2023 @ 10:58 am

  31. JLT, Jeff

    We are working on the sidebar in IE issue. There seem to be two separate issues in some versions of IE — first the blogposts block stretches too widely, pushing both the sidebars underneath; second, the right sidebar gets pushed underneath the left sidebar, but only in the single post pages. If that is not the case, please let us know.

    Comment by Tim — 28/11/2023 @ 11:00 am

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