TimYang.com ::: The Geek Blog

Friday November 19


The question of violence in my nature was brought up recently in a conversation. I can be quite violent, but that of course depends on the interpretation of violence.

Dictionary.com says that violence is deliberate, forceful, damaging and abusive physical action. But there are many more kinds of violence and they come in a scale of degrees of damage and types of damage. It also says that violence isn't necessarily damaging, but is an observable kind of fervor.

Although it goes on to suggest that violence is unjust, I think any violence on my part is justified. I target people who have behaved stupidly or said stupid things, or displayed deliberate ignorance. You might consider that unjustified, but I cannot, espeically in cases when the behaviour could have been avoided with a bit of care which the person has not taken.

In addition, I target people who behave opportunistically, taking advantage of someone's misfortune or poorer position, which in fact is a kind of bullying. I have always held that if you bully someone then someone will bully you. That would of course be me. I will not tolerate a situation when a taxi driver overcharges -- which was the situation that prompted a mention of my violent nature. I taunted the driver to try and attack me, which he decided against.

To set the record straight, I will act in anger. I have never been physical, but I have been physically-threatening as I was with the taxi driver. Instead, my displays tend to be sarcasm and cutting remarks. Which is not to say I don't welcome a physical reaction. I would rather cherish the opportunity to show someone that physical violence won't solve his problem.

I have always felt that violence is often the right thing to do in many situations. I despise passivity in the face of opportunism as cowardice. People too often just take it lying down. I will not shirk from what I consider is my duty to take someone down or wake them up to their own idiocy in the most extraordinary way.


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