TimYang.com ::: The Geek Blog

Saturday January 08


Anyone need an Orkut invitation? i just joined.

BTW, it's true what they say. Orkut is stuffed with Brazilians. Every bloody thing is in Portuguese, so much so that half the communities have a "Please speak English" clause in their descriptions.

Jezus. Even the Malaysian community got invaded by Portuguese-speaking Brazilians.

A close second is the Pakistani/Bangladeshi crowd. I'm certain the word Orkut must feature in the Koran somehow...

Incidentally, they have Filepile group there. Woohoo. I feel so l33t.

But Orkut is having massive server problems right now. I keep getting logged out or I reach a dead page. It took me half an hour to join 10 communities ... and then another half to unjoin them when I realised I had to read either Portuguese, Hindi or Tamil.


i’d like to have an invitation!

Posted by: ohayi on Jan 24, 05 | 4:21 am

please send me an invitation, i would be glad to join and will never forget your generosity
Thanks in advance

Posted by: Sheharyar Baig on Jan 24, 05 | 8:45 pm

Hi, can you send me an invitation for Orkut. I feel an urge to polish op my languages .… thanks !

Posted by: Stefan on Feb 07, 05 | 8:18 pm

Hi, can you please send me an invitation to orkut?! 


Posted by: bhavik shah on Feb 09, 05 | 12:19 am

hi can i get an invite?

Posted by: cho on Feb 10, 05 | 4:28 am

An orkut invitation would be well appreciated.
Strength and Honor.

Posted by: Michael on Feb 10, 05 | 8:42 am
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