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Monday August 02

O'Reilly CSS, 2nd Edition

Eric Meyer's book has finally arrived in the local bookstore. This is the only CSS book in existence that includes in its appendix the XHTML sample sheet. It costs RM140 here, slightly more than what you'd pay at Amazon.com. Damn, I really wish I could afford it right now.


It arrived today? Damn, last week Kinokuniya only had the old edition available. And now I’m back in Germany and there is hardly any way to get good English IT books.

Posted by: Dominik on Aug 02, 04 | 3:35 pm

Surprisingly, MPH is getting very up to date with new IT books recently. But they still shelve them in the wrong places. For example, I found the CSS book in the Photoshop manuals shelf. Maybe that’s why you couldn’t find it.

Anyway, let me know when you’re back in town. I’ll buy you a beer.

Posted by: Tim on Aug 02, 04 | 4:53 pm

Might take a while. I crashed my car in july, so the next flight ticket will be a bit delayed. But thanks anyway.

Posted by: Dominik on Aug 02, 04 | 5:08 pm
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