TimYang.com ::: The Geek Blog

Thursday April 07

Y!Q Beta

Yahoo is experimenting with a new search method called Y!Q (what's with this infatuation with unpronounceable brand names?) that automates searches based on the page you're looking it.

Basically, when you initiate the search, the search form will use Yahoo's new content analysis part of its API to scan the text on the page you're looking at. And then deliver results based on the context automatically. You don't have to type anything. Just hit the button and go.

It's still in beta so there are limited ways of activating the search. You can do it if the publisher of the page you're looking at has a form embedded. Or if you have installed the IE Toolbar or the Firefox plugin.

It currently also requires the cooperation of the publisher to work. At this point the publisher (i.e. me) needs to embed a javascript in the head of the HTML and to add a class="yqcontext" attribute to areas that the publisher demarcates as context. A bit messy, but interesting nevertheless.

This website currently supports Y!Q. Try it out on the comment pages.



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