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Saturday April 09

Comictastic controversy

Comictastic is a Mac software that intelligently reads web comic pages and pulls out the comic image for viewing offline. It does this automically every day. Which is a great time saving app if you have dozens of comics you want to view every day. Kind of like a page-scraper for web comics.

But it is a controversial software. Many web comic artists who rely on hits on their site to make money from advertising say that softwares like comictastic are siphoning money off them. And profiting from them since the comictastic author is charging a shareware fee. The comictastic author is using the Grokster argument: I'm not responsible for what the software is used for.

The comictastic forum isn't your usual he-said-she-said bitchfest. The posts are long, passionate and considered from both sides. Quite an interesting read.



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