TimYang.com ::: The Geek Blog

Thursday April 14

meetup.com charging

Now that meetup.com is charging a fee for its use, this would be the perfect time for developers to step in and fill the service-gap created by users who found meetup.com useful but are now moving away. Yeah!

Number of meeting organising softwares found on Hotscripts.com: zero; Sourceforge.net: zero; Freshmeat.net: zero.

Open source was NOT prepared for this one.



We saw the problems with Meetup several months ago and developed a free site that serves the same need, but from an open community approach.

I just posted an article on my personal Web site that compares our site to another free site that can replace Meetup:

Posted by: Cliff Allen on Apr 14, 05 | 10:28 am
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