TimYang.com ::: The Geek Blog

Sunday August 08

On Pangkor

I brought with me:

I shouldn't have brought:

I did not bring:

* * *

At the luggage storage office at the Pudu bus station, a girl was ahead of me collecting her bags. Red-head, cropped close, with colourful tattoos across her back and shoulders that were visible under her drab green singlet. She was thin and had pale skin to match her greenish eyes and red hair. She was a walking cliche.

"Let me guess," I said, "Irish, right? And... a writer."

She stopped, surprised at my forwardness. Her dangling silver nose piercing shook with "incredulity". But it was obvious she was also "offended".

"What?", she said with an American accent.

"You look like," and I pause, and I change the first thing that came to my mind to say.

"You look like someone I know."

* * *

I'm encumbered with the habit of looking for hidden cameras when I stay at chalets or hotels in Malaysia. Malaysians, starved of sex in their media consumption, often contrive elaborate ways of voyeurism. Fueled (or rather, ideated) by recent controversies in the local media of "hidden camera" porn videos, and by the cheapness of web cams from Taiwan, the hidden cameras of lacivious Malaysians are an increased likelihood.

* * *

While waiting for the bus at the Shell station, I noticed a very beautiful woman waiting with me. Beauty is always noticeable. Dark, perfectly coiffured neck-length hair with a wave over her left cheek. She wore a light green traditional Malay dress from which I took that she would be visiting relatives (the pious humble look was in). Large eyes, gorgeous large eyes.

When we alighted from the bus, I smiled at her and introduced myself. I asked her if she was visiting her home town. When she spoke, her teeth showed slight gaps between them and as I stood facing her, alarms started going off in my head. She was 5 feet tall. And she was 13! (Why hadn't noticed THAT earlier!) Good lord, I hope no one saw me talking to her!

She of course was far more sensible than I. She excused herself to step into a store to purchase something. And she never came out again.


Sounds like a good holiday, quite a shame about the last incident though.. ;) It happens to me all the time though, it’s just really hard to tell the age of women..

Posted by: Dominik on Aug 09, 04 | 2:01 pm
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