TimYang.com ::: The Geek Blog

Monday August 09

Pangkor #2

I've taken to taking books from the libraries of the chalets.

A lot of travellers leave books behind at each resort, and they're immediately contributed to the resorts' library. I went to the Seagull Beach resort and pinched a couple of German magazines I liked the look of. And I got a 1986 hard cover edition of Robert Ludlum's Bourne Supremacy from TJ's and Carl Hiaasen's Lucky You from Mirzam Resort.

Hey, if no one's reading them, I say don't let them go to waste.

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Met Elke and Johann from Germany who biked (as in bicycle!) here from Singapore and plan to bike all the way to Bangkok. And then plan to bike into Cambodia. I think that's bloody madness. Good luck!

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Why did I talk to him why why why.

I met Maz, a Brit of Bangladeshi origins, who has been on the island for almost two weeks. And came to Malaysia because he was depressed in London. He never fully recovered after being the victim of an armed robbery and had been on Prozac for several years until a year ago. Now he's depressed. And he's also taken to hanging around me, asking me if I've ever been depressed. This is depressing.


Oh, which magazines did you find there?

Posted by: Dominik on Aug 09, 04 | 7:23 pm

Any European language looks like Dutch to me. Or German. In this case, the truth is Dutch. I checked the title of the magazine and the url to the magazine’s website is viva.nl. Sorry for the mix up.

Posted by: Tim on Aug 13, 04 | 1:25 pm

It’s alright, the difference isn’t that big.

Posted by: Dominik on Aug 13, 04 | 2:10 pm
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