Tim's Blog

Been trying to get my stuff packed and shipped. It's been a nightmare.

Because of the postal strike last week, my plane ticket, my student travel card and my Eurostar ticket have been lost in the mail. I shall have to drop by the travel agent's in London before I head for Waterloo station to catch my 3pm Eurostar to Paris. The travel agent is definitely not going to be pleased to see me. I've been pestering her for my tickets over the phone for a week.

It took five phone calls to TNT before they could give me a decent quote on shipping my clothes, books and iMac back to Kuala Lumpur. They'll have to be shipped to Wolf's place until I find an apartment of my own. He still owes me RM2,000. He probably blew it all. That's ok, I've still got some pithy amount of funds in my bank account that will last me a couple of months. He sounded really depressed in his last email. Min left him, but I think they're still friends. She should have left him long ago. Poor bastard's got no future. It's been five years and he's only cut one demo album which he's been flogging around for that entire time.

Laure is meeting me at her apartment in Paris at 8pm. I shall have to find a way to get there myself. Par le vous Englaise?

posted at 03:30:43 AM on 06/07/2023 by timyang - Category: General


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