Tim's Blog

Everything sucks
Everything has become quite topsy-turvy in my life for the past month. I've had to move the office to Taman Tun. And just about everything sucks.

I'm trying to take on copywriting work to make ends meet. Fortunately, there's a new service in Malaysia modelled after Elance.com and it's called Twogateways.com.my.

I've also tried to move this blog first to Movabletype then to MT's open source alternatives -- B2/Wordpress. But the new Blogger interface makes it impossible.

MT gets confused by Blogger's title portion of the template and jams the first five words of every entry to form an ad hoc title. I have over 700 entries from the past three years and that's too damn much to clean up one by one as Ryan tried to do when he imported from Blogger to MT. And B2/Wordpress jams in the middle of the import from Blogger because of a MySQL error.

I'm waiting for the next versions of these softwares to try again.

posted at 03:51:07 PM on 09/13/2003 by timyang - Category: General


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