TimYang.com ::: The Geek Blog

Wednesday December 01

blogexplosion blog

Someone from the management of Blogexplosion has started a blog on Blogspot to evangelise it. I'm pretty sure its someone connected to the company. But he's trying to hide it by using a neutral blog hosting service like Blogspot. I think it's down right sneaky and Blogexplosion has gone down a notch in my book.

In any case I've stopped using it because it appears that for every four credits I rack up, I only get one referal -- according to my counter which I trust a lot more.



Hi there.

This is Jeff from BlogExplosion. I can tell you that http://traffichelp.blogspot.com/ is NOT from anyone at BlogExplosion and if you look at the this blog it lists a variety of places to generate traffic and not specific to BlogExplosion.

The traffic ratio is 2:1 (not 4:1) and have not received any member complaints about the scripts not working properly. So everything is working on the site and is generating good results for our members.

I hope this answers your question and we would never set up fake ‘fan’ sites to promote BlogExplosion.

co-owner BlogExplosion.com

Posted by: BlogExplosion on Dec 02, 04 | 8:51 am

Jeff, linking to other sites isn’t proof that the author isn’t from Blogexplosion. The strength and determination he is using to evangelise it to the exclusion of its competitors doesn’t lend credence to the supposition that he is not from Blogexplosion.

Granted, this is conjecture. You could help by trying to discern the author’s identity. Claiming that he is not an employee doesn’t really help enough.

You should probably make some efforts toward this since I won’t be the only one to make this connection between your company and this author. That’s the only way to shut down the rumours.


Posted by: Tim on Dec 02, 04 | 2:15 pm

I ditched it too.  The whole credit thing was a bit wonky as far as I’m concerned and I hated the navigation bar across the top.  Ugly.  Remember how nice and simple Wander-lust was?

Posted by: Mitch on Dec 03, 04 | 11:45 am
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