TimYang.com ::: The Geek Blog

Saturday August 28

Cherating #1

On last Monday I ended up on Cherating at the Mata Hari chalets where I normally stay. The rain from Cherating started to follow me south on Tuesday but the beach was mostly sunny, especially in the mornings. It's nice here.

Next to my chalet is Rick whom I thought was American because he greeted me with a "howdy" in his north american accent (strangely a west coast american accent and not a texan accent) when I arrived and he didn't say "yah" all the time. But Michelle, the London lawyer staying across the yard corrected me. She said Rick had once said "aboot" to her. He's Canadian. But Rick always avoids me since I started speaking with my north american accent. I think he figures I must be Canadian too and that I would "out" him as a Canadian, not an American.

I wanted to come back on Friday or Thursday, but I got an SMS from Marie. She said she was coming to Cherating for the weekend. She asked if I would be there too and I said I would stay longer.

She came with the whole gang -- the Germans, the French couple, Simon the Swiss, Henie the Dominican and the Danish couple. We had a great time! We found a secluded beach underneath the Sultan of Pahang's Cherating beach house. The sultan wasn't around so we made use of it every day. The sea was rough and too salty, but we had a lot of fun getting half drowned by the surf. I can't swim, but I loved the way you could jump up as the wave hits you and get floated to the shore.


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