TimYang.com ::: The Geek Blog

Wednesday September 08


A very interesting email penpal service. It's the first non-charity, adult email penpal service when you search for "email penpal" in Google. The others I found were mainly for kids or were done by charities for special children or under-privileged children. It's also free. I used it for two days and a penpal from the US and a penpal from Finland contacted me after reading my profile. Nice.

Also interesting to note: the number of women users out-numbers the number of men users by 2-to-1.


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An interesting online news aggregator that gathers headlines from all the usual suspect media websites -- with a twist.

Incoming news is automatically scanned for "names" allowing for charting, achieving and email alerts by name, showing you who's hot and who's last weeks news.


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Mozilla/Firefox: Javascript Console In Sidebar

Very nice tool! Great for debugging a website.

Loading a javascript console in sidebar

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Tuesday September 07


A comprehensive personals software in PHP.


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Best of Ask Metafilter Wiki

What we need really is a "Best of Ask Metafilter" blog with an RSS feed. Instead, what we get is a wiki WITHOUT an RSS feed. And despite being a wiki, the main author is supposed to be Adrian Hon. What gives? Someone really needs to start a blog for that. *HINT* *HINT*


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Monday September 06

Color Palette Generator

When you upload an image to this script (png, gif, jpg), it will study the image and generate a colour palette of the dominant colours in the image. Nice.

Color Palette Generator

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Sunday September 05

Ironic: Spammers embrace email authentication

Measures to help reduce email abuse is being taken up by the abusers in order to bypass the measures and abuse us further.

Spammers embrace email authentication

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KL Web Standards Meetup Group

I am the new Meetup.com Web Standards Group organiser for Malaysia.


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Friday September 03


An open source PHP script that allows you to set up a penpal service.


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Thursday September 02

Back at the gym

After a two week absence, I went back to the gym. It was good to be back.

In the changing room, I noticed a dumbass CHRISTIAN had a STAR OF DAVID tattooed on his left shoulder. I don't know what his dumbass minister has been telling him, but that is one ignorant son of a bitch.

So naturally I go up to him and say,"Shalom!" and he goes "Huh?". It took so much of my self control not to go ballistic on him and beat some sense into this dumbass' skull.

I must be in a really lousy mood to try and pick fights with dumbasses.

I really wanted to talk to Marie all weekend but I never worked up the courage. She must think I am either really dumb or that I don't like her. The problem is that it isn't her fault. I think she wants me to open up, but I'm scared when I really shouldn't be.

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Ten CSS tricks you may not know

Very interesting article in evolt.org. I wasn't aware of the !important trick until now.

10 CSS tricks

UPDATE: Tantek Celik reports that the !important trick is WRONG, along with all the other tips. Whew. I thought I was completely out of touch. That !important trick caught me off-guard.

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My favourite periodicals search engine has become XHTML compliant. Findarticles.com has archives of articles dating several years from various newspapers and magazines.


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The poweful Skype VOIP software now has a Mac version. It's not really VOIP, but rather P2P real-time digital transmision of voice/sound over internet. So now, everyone with Skype software on both Windows and Mac can converse with each other for free anywhere around the world as long as they have an internet connection.


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Meta language translation site

This site gathers all the popular free translation engines on one page. All the engines from freetranslation.com to babelfish.com -- over a dozen engines!


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Wednesday September 01

Back in KL

We got back to KL on Monday night, in time for the Malaysian National Day. There was a party, of course. But it wasn't the usual party of foreigners. Alex knew of one in Brickfields, but as well-meaning as Alex is, we really shouldn't trust his judgement of these things.

We ended up at an apartment with a great view of the city, but the old Post Office building obscured the National Day fireworks. And the party was boring -- the guests were mostly local Malaysians and they are crap at parties. We entered a living room filled with these idiots sitting around and none of them wanted to mix with the foreigners whereas we were all working the room. We left the Malaysians alone.

I was too tired -- and I ended up sitting around after midnight. The barbecue on the last night we had at Cherating was filled with silence. We were all really tired out because we had been having vodka dreams every night that only started after 2am.

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