Tim's Blog

Stockholm photos
I spent a few days in Stockholm before flying out. Not out of choice. It's one of the most expensive cities in the world, but I couldn't get an earlier flight out. It's nice in summer, though.

Arriving at the central train station in Stockholm.

This is Julien, a Canadian shoe salesman I met who is going on a round Europe trip to all the capital cities.

There's a dormitory on this boat. Do not stay there. It stinks like hell in summer. That black spot is from fungus that I found on my camera lens after staying on that boat.

Oh look, viking boat cruise!

Julien and I had dinner in the park. This is the shot from the TGIF in Stockholm. Yes, there's a TGIF in Stockholm.

Mod-Swedish apartments on the river.

Here's a shop that's a tribute to Swedish design. It sells all kinds of Swedish furniture. It looks like a warehouse out of the 60s. The owner is looking for distributors around the world. If you want, I can email you his phone number and address. He doesn't have an email address.

posted at 06:53:14 PM on 08/07/2023 by timyang - Category: General


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