Tim's Blog

Multi-level marketing techniques
Guys like Amway will do anything to get you in a room for 10 minutes. Now they've gone too far.

Earlier this week a potential website design client called me up to arrange for an evening meeting -- he was so busy that he could only meet me after another meeting which he was having at a hotel. Inspired by Bill who told me he was willing to go for evening meetings with clients as long as there was a hint of a job, I agreed to this one.

Lesson one: Don't listen to any kind of garbage Bill spouts.

I ended up in a three freaking hour session with a bunch of people dressed in uniform black Indian-collar suits that they used like overalls, allowing them to do away with wearing ties and putting on a clean shirt, and they were trying to sell me a bottle of something called Nutriyuck that was a concoction of dried rice, dried wheat and dried spirulea (a kind of plant that I'd read is used as a natural penicillin).

Please, God, please, let there be a job at the end of this.

I couldn't understand a thing they were saying because it was all in Malay.

Please, God, please, let there be a job at the end of this.

They served a meal with cold dry rice, cold vegetables and some greasy meat dishes that I had to avoid by pretending to be vegetarian.

Please, God, please, let there be a job at the end of this.

When it ended, there was a job at the end of it -- but they wanted it for RM50.

Bill is having a dinner date with an axe.

posted at 06:16:11 PM on 08/07/2023 by timyang - Category: General


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