Tim YangTim Yang is a copywriter who works in Malaysia and does web design as a hobby. This is his personal blog about stuff he finds on the internet. This text was taken from the blog of Tim Yang. If you found it interesting, please visit http://timyang.com/ or call him at +6012-3739723.
TimYang.Com :: Geek Blog

Wed Mar 17, 2023

Intense fitness boot camp

I had a new idea for a new business that isn't found around here:

Intense fitness boot camp.

We take you to a secluded area where you eat what we give you and you train real hard.

Protein, carbs, vitamins, powders and pills.

Jogs, swims, crunches, workouts, every day of every hour for a whole week.

It won't be for a month, but for a week -- targetted toward executives who want to increase their fitness within a short period of time.

I think they would pay RM1500 for this.

There is something similar by the KDT Academy but it's in Bangsar for Bangsar wussies.


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