Sunday September 19 is a very nice aggregator of weblog content and a news alerter. But I hate the way it sets new subscriptions. I have to confirm by email each new subscription. Don't they think this wastes a heckuvalot of bandwidth and resources? Oh, but they have a nice Firefox sidebar.


You might want to try Gush ( which has integrated PubSub support. While you’re online new items are delivered immediately over jabber.

Posted by Wes Carr on Sep 20, 04 | 12:02 am

Please accept our apologies for the need for email confirmations, however, we really don’t have much choice. However, the need for these confirmation emails is limited to our web interface.  If you use a client like Gush to create a PubSub subscription, you won’t get any confirmation messages. This is because Gush logs you into your account and we can be confident you are who you say you are.

The reason we require these confirmations is that some PubSub subscriptions result in email being sent to subscribers. If we didn’t require the confirmations, people could use us as a way to blast others with email they might not want. In order to prevent this, we insist that we have a valid, confirmed email address and we check it from time to time. Our aim is not to make your life difficult—we’re doing our best to provide the best experience we can.

Note: We expect to offer a subscription UI in the FireFox and IE versions of our Sidebar in the future. ( We’ll post a notice of the update when it is ready at: )

bob wyman
CTO, PubSub Concepts, Inc.

Posted by Bob Wyman on Sep 20, 04 | 3:07 am

Thanks for the tip about Gush! I’ll look forward to the new sidebar.

Posted by Tim on Sep 20, 04 | 4:13 pm
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