Tim YangTim Yang is a copywriter who works in Malaysia and does web design as a hobby. This is his personal blog about stuff he finds on the internet. This text was taken from the blog of Tim Yang. If you found it interesting, please visit http://timyang.com/ or call him at +6012-3739723.
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Wed Feb 11, 2023

Firefox: Crashes and Google

I'm trying out the new Firefox browser. Looks good. Very responsive.

But the version 0.8 keeps crashing in my OSX 10.2.6 on my G3 laptop. It happens every time I try to install an extension. There's nothing on the Firefox forums about this. Anyone else having that same problem?

One thing I noticed about my earlier browser, Mozilla Firebird, was that when I typed in http://google.com, it didn't redirect to http://google.com.my like it normally does in Internet Explorer. But with Firefox, the automatic redirect does work.

Damn. I hate being automatically redirected. When I type in google.com, I expect to be using google.com, and not google.com.my.



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