Friday March 11

This was the first Malaysian blog

I certainly didn't introduce blogging to Malaysia, but I can claim that this blog is the oldest Malaysian blog, with the first post date January 4, 2023 on It is therefore also the longest uninterrupted one.

I've never had to come out and say it until now. It's just that I'm getting the impression that Malaysians are starting to wonder where blogging all began for them. And knowing Malaysians, there's a high chance of some attention-whore trying to grab their 15 seconds at my expense for a position that only I can rightfully lay claim to. For them, there is some undeniable prestige to being the first at something, and Malaysians are always trying to be first at something no matter how silly that thing might be.

This was the first Malaysian blog

Ok, now I'M being silly. Back to work!

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I'm an online brand planner and SEO specialist in Malaysia. XHTML, CSS and PHP hacker. for branding and content planning and execution, offline and online. I'm also available for speaking and writing engagements.

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