Sunday April 03

Setting up a HTTP proxy to use eMessenger at work or school

UPDATE: I assume you are having problems connecting to at your school or office otherwise you wouldn't be looking at this page. Here is how to bypass your LAN security to use e-messenger by configuring a HTTP proxy in your web browser. With this technique, I was able to help one person but it ought to work with most security settings. I will use Internet Explorer for Windows in my example, but in every version of Internet Explorer and other browsers, there are similar options. Click around the preferences of your browser to find the proxy setting option.

  1. Routing your internet connection through a proxy server will allow you to bypass whatever proxy that your school/office is using to censor your online activities. There are thousands of proxy servers waiting for you to use, mostly because of bad sysadmin security settings. Friendly sysadmins have gathered various lists of open proxies for you. A good one is the Samair proxy list. Select a few random proxies from that list (three is plenty) and write down the numerical addresses.

  2. In your browser menu, find Tools and click on Internet Options.

  3. In Internet Options, click on the Connection menu. Then click on LAN Settings.

  4. Click on the checkbox to enable the "Proxy server" option. In the Address input box, type in one of the proxy addresses you noted earlier in the XX.XX.XX.XX format. If the proxy address has an addendum (the number after the colon), then type that number in the Port input box. Click OK. If you do not click OK, the settings will not be saved.

  5. Now you should be able to surf to and start using its service. All instant messenger applications like MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, ICQ and AIM have similar options to re-route their connection via a proxy. However, most LAN security settings will deny you the option to download and install a third-party application. So, really, using via a proxy is literally your best option.

  6. If you are finding difficulty with connecting to the internet via your new proxy, try using one of the other proxies that you noted earlier. The proxy list may not be always be up to date -- some sysadmins will have closed some of those open proxies. And some proxies are just extremely slow. Try switching to another proxy and see how that suits you.

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thanks! I can use that at work!

Posted by Jenny on Apr 05, 05 | 2:14 am Permalink

I like this website, but my school isn’t very good, so they wont let me do what your website was saying. They will not let me go on any kind of messenger, so your website is pretty much useless!! The website was very helpful, but useless as i can not access it from my SCHOOL!!! can you plese tell all schools to let us access all messenger websites, please!! Doesn’t anyone else have thi8s struypid problem??

Posted by Can't give on Jun 21, 05 | 8:12 pm Permalink

Ha ha ha ha your pityfull attempt at security bypass is pathetic!  Under Group Policy in windows 2000 and XP any sysadmin worth his paycheck will set a policy to disallow users from opening the proxy dialogue.  Most properly configured networks do not allow users access to the internet other than via the usual proxy.  Keep trying..…

Posted by School Sysadmin on Jun 22, 05 | 10:07 pm Permalink

can i just say this hasnt worked because on the internet options it doesnt say anythin about connection settings so is there another way???

Posted by someone on Jun 22, 05 | 10:41 pm Permalink

this was not ver good because i didnt even have the choice to go on conections, i guess my school already thought of that!

Posted by sum1 on Jul 04, 05 | 7:49 pm Permalink’s the story. Kim, Alexa&I are in Science looking for sci-fi’s so boring. We got over the looking at the ‘nice’ pics&wanted some hard core stuff. Unfortunately we were unable to access our much needed ‘hard core’ fix and were left deprived of needed privileges, like a smoker without cigarettes and a stoner without pot (i.e. Most of our friends and Alexas boyfriend...oh and Kim is really innocent...not in the bedroom though…or any other place..ohh yes that coffee table). sucks how you give out instructions to bypass internet blocks that don’t work. We’re very disappointed...believe us. You should have seen us jumping for joy when we saw your instructions on how to bypass....our happiness turned to sadness then to rage (yes thank you i have a bruise from Alexa when she got lawyers will be seeing you. Come she needed her hard core fix! &Kim just sat over in the corner rocking back and those withdrawal symptoms are getting worse....she’s scream to cossie [our teacher] ‘I NEED MY PORN!’ And I am currently stripping for her fulfill her needs for XXX rated porn. I tell you it’s tits aren’t very big and Kim needs double D...this is where I’m yelling ‘ALEXA TAKE YOUR TOP OFF!’ She hit me again...then took her top off....she’s now kissing me...I’m getting aroused...Nathan is rubbing his tiny penis up my leg. I think it’s time for an implant. I feel for Sam. And Jossie is leaning over Nathan....looking at his manhood....what they’ll do is take the fat from his boobs out and put it in his dick....the left over will go to his brain. He has bigger tits than Alexa&that’s saying something, Damo lost his hat down there! Oh shit wrong body feature…Oh shit I’m sticky. Wait no…I’m in brackets still). There we go anyway Kim is moaning now and touching herself, Nathan is very aroused…I swear I saw Titanic just then. It was small. Alexa is dirty dancing for our teacher, she wants extra credit. It’s rather disturbing; she goes for the older men though….what was the record? 69? Speaking of 69…been there done that. Oh with a girl as well..nothing suss..or everything. So what…girls turn me on (they turn all of us on) Man this is getting to X-rated for me..&it’s hard to entertain Kim with Alexa while typing this. I need to be paid this week…7th and Main (that’s our corner). Forget threesomes…here’s the forth.

Posted by Kristen, Kim and Alexa on Jul 07, 05 | 11:06 am Permalink

Yeah my college wont let me on any messenger at all and thts all too jibberish to read

Posted by shiv on Jul 11, 05 | 9:12 pm Permalink

This Sucks Mi Pito

Posted by Clayton on Jul 12, 05 | 3:10 am Permalink
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