Sunday September 12

Terrible date

I had a terrible date last night. I went into the city and blew RM220 (USD60) on two tickets to the Philharmonic Theatre to watch the Scala Orchestra from Italy. And she didn't even turn up on time, so we missed the whole performance because the doors were closed. I would have refused to let her pay for the tickets of course, but she didn't even ask how much they were. A little gesture would have made me feel much better about it. And in the end, I had to give her RM50 (USD12) for the taxi ride back to her home. My life sucks.


Aw, poor guy. But it’s always the same with the ladies - no matter how hard you try, nothing much comes around. So why try?
On the other hand, I heard from a little bird, that the Bar Blonde near the Sheraton Imperial Hotel is quite a good place to meet ladies…

Posted by Dominik on Sep 15, 04 | 1:38 am
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I'm an online brand planner and SEO specialist in Malaysia. XHTML, CSS and PHP hacker. for branding and content planning and execution, offline and online. I'm also available for speaking and writing engagements.

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    Suspect Zero (2004)
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  3. Music: Bruce Springsteen

    Devils and Dust (2005)

  4. Film: Daniel Auteuil, Emmanuelle BĂ©art

    Un Coeur En Hiver (1993)

  5. Literature: Emmanuel Bove

    Quicksand (1993)

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