Friday September 10


Was watching a movie called Anaconda: Hunt for the Black Orchid starring Johnny Messner (the Marine from Spartan). It looked like it was shot in Thailand. In fact, I'm pretty sure of it. But it's supposed to be set in East Malaysia. Its was really odd to see the attempts at details in the Malaysian language and Malaysian geography. The first thing that threw me off was the neon sign for the "Minuman Bir" (beer bar) in the third scene because you can't have beer bars in a Muslim country. It also kept throwing me off that the characters were trying to reach a town called "Kota Bahru" on the river because the real Kota Bahru is about 500 miles and an ocean away from where they were.


well, they should have hired you to make sure these little mistakes didn’t slip through.  i for one whould never see anything odd.  but it’s like my speech teacher told the class once.  when he was into directing and they needed to find some asians they often choose mexicans… i would have noticed the difference but others might not have.

Posted by mar on Sep 10, 04 | 6:20 pm
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