Sunday February 20


I found an online magazine CMS that is very close to what I am looking for. It's simple, extremely easy to template and has none of the extras which I don't need like polls and forums. It's a very active project with an active forum and it is also standards compliant. It currently stores in flat files, but a mysql version will be created once the core code is stabalised.


Oh man.. AJ-fork is a fork of CuteNews, which is a very simple news publishing tool (read:blog).

You’re better off using Textpattern, why do you want to go backwards?

Posted by Kris Khaira on Feb 20, 05 | 4:29 pm

I tried both AJ Fork and Cutenews, and I found it was too early to tell which was superior because AJ Fork is a fairly recent fork. I put a simple question regarding templating in both the forums of AJ Fork and Cutenews and the architect of AJ Fork answered first and I have yet to hear from Cutenews. Not a very true test of the level of support, but it is an indication, nevertheless. So I’m going with AJ Fork.

Regarding the comparison between AJ Fork and Textpattern… they’re both actually very similar since AJ Fork uses Textile to generate entries. And they both generate XHTML-strict websites. Textpattern has better support since more people are working on the project. But I don’t need support if the usage of the CMS is simple enough. So one key consideration was the ease of skinning and customisation. And AJ Fork won hands down—Textpattern’s customisation requires a fair bit of study but I can probably do the template for AJ Fork starting right now.

But then again, I might run up against a unforseen problem with AJ Fork so I can’t rule out Textpattern yet.

Posted by Tim on Feb 20, 05 | 5:14 pm
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