Thursday March 10

strike tag bring it back! strike tag bring it back!

Of all the decisions that the WC3 made, the worst was deprecating the strike tag. I love the strike tag. Why did they have to deprecate that? Those dumbasses nice gentlemen retained the bold tag and the italics tag and those do the same thing as the strong tag and the emphasis tag. But they let the strike tag go without a replacement.

It was one of the most useful tags around! You can't have a weblog and a sense of humour without using it every once in a while. "Oh wait..." gets really tiresome and isn't as succinct as the strike tag to suggest irony, sarcasm or satire. When used in those situations, the strike tag was as subtle as applying a sledgehammer to an egg. But it was so effective.

Now we have to have the inconvenience of defining a new class in CSS in every website we want to use a strikeout. Hey look, and are still available!

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