Thursday March 10

sticky footer using CSS

An interesting CSS hack that realises the nirvana of CSS: the browser-scalable layout. It lets you create a footer that's 100% visible and sticks to the bottom of the page, no matter the size of window or screen. It uses a teased bottom property on the footer container and a forced height on the page container. But a hack is still a hack. For what it's worth, it's really inventive.


For someone who claims to be a “mac advocate”, you seem to be ignoring the fact that it doesn’t work in Safari.

Posted by Kris Khaira on Mar 10, 05 | 3:01 pm

You’re right. It is broken in Safari. It is a hack and hacks run the risk of breaking in certain browsers. Perhaps you should bring it up with the author and help him fix it. He’s probably waiting for someone with a Mac to help him make it better.

Posted by Tim on Mar 10, 05 | 5:21 pm

Hello… I’m the author of the afore mentioned article.

Actually, I do own a mac (G5 Tower and a Mac Mini). I use Firefox though since Safari is not up to par in my opinion. I do state in the article that it does not work in Safari.

There is a way to do this type of effect in Safari but it requires JavaScript. I wanted to offer a solution that does not require any JS code.

If you are still upset that this does not work in Safari you could always bug Apple to upgrade their browser to support web standards and CSS2. :)

Posted by Craig on Apr 05, 05 | 10:56 pm

Thanks Craig! Don’t mind Kris. I really do think it’s good work!

Posted by Tim on Apr 05, 05 | 11:21 pm
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