Sunday April 24

feedshark multiple RSS search engine submission

Feedshark lets you submit your feed to be indexed by 20 different feed search engine services. Ironically, it doesn't submit to, another feed search engine! I have one problem with this submission form: you have to click submit to each of the services individually. I understand that the author doesn't want to overload his hosting service with multiple submissions, but it doesn't mean that he is any less of an idiot.

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The Case of the Mistaken Feedsharks

In the world of blogs there is feedshark and feedshark. Say them out loud and they are as different as Catherine and Katherine. Look them up on Google and the giggles begin. Before last week I had never heard of
Tracked on FunnyBusiness on Apr 25, 05 @ 6:48 pm

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  1. Film: Emily Mortimer, Gerard Butler
    Dear Frankie (2004)
  2. Music: Bruce Springsteen

    Devils and Dust (2005)

  3. Film: Daniel Auteuil, Emmanuelle BĂ©art

    Un Coeur En Hiver (1993)

  4. Literature: Emmanuel Bove

    Quicksand (1993)

  5. Literature: Michael Larsen

    Uncertainty (1996)

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