Thursday May 05

15 things you can do with RSS (it was supposed to be 10, but I got carried away)

Basically, you can perform any task with RSS that requires search or information retrieval from a server. Automatically and repeatedly. Here are my favourites (please let me know if there are better services and I'll update). I use this list to convince people to start using an RSS feed reader. There's more to RSS than just weblog syndication and news aggregation.

UPDATE: I've decided to allow people to use my Google News Feed Scraper which I call ScrappyGoo. So I guess this is number 16. I've been using it to generate personalised feeds to search for news on Google News. If you promise not to get me into trouble with Google's lawyers. That means you can read the feeds in your feed reader, but don't syndicate the feeds on your website. Alternatively, you can search Yahoo News and get personalised Yahoo News RSS feeds too.

  1. Get the news as it happens from multiple news sources

    An RSS feed reader is an aggregator of numerous feeds from news sources (and nearly every major paper and TV news network has RSS feeds today). But now there are even feeds that aggregate other feeds. The new lets you combine all the news source RSS feeds into one single feed so you get news as it happens.

  2. Collect your email from all your email accounts in your RSS reader

    Easily done with And each Gmail account has an RSS feed too. Or if you're a user of, then you'll be glad there's a similar service called but with RSS feeds.

  3. Track Fedex packages

    Ben Hammersley says Just add your tracking number to the end of a special RSS feed address.

  4. Get notified of bargains at Ebay lets you specify the type of product, its description and even the price range in their customised Ebay feeds.

  5. Get stock updates

    There have been various paid services and limited unpaid ticker services around. Tim Bray made a customisable feed. Yahoo is introducing its own RSS ticker service.

  6. Get the weather reports

    Weather Underground has the weather of every city and town in the world. And each of them now has an RSS feed. Alternatively, there is

  7. Find out what people are saying about you, your company or your product online

    Services like and offer something that's popularly called persistent search delivery. You type in a search term such as your name and or your company name or product name and they will return the newest indexed references to you in a customised RSS feed. Both services scan blogs. If you want persistent search delivery from a broader range of sites, you have

  8. Get music, radio programs and TV clips

    Now you have podcasts and directories like that also serve the latest podcasts in several RSS feeds. And increasingly, like Comedy Central's Daily Show, broadcasters are finding it effective to promote and deliver their shows in RSS. Videobloggers now have a community website called that adds tags to video blog RSS feeds.

  9. Stay updated on someone's schedule lets someone input new events and meetings on their schedule for free. And if you pick up the RSS feed for that schedule, you're always up-to-date on what's going on in that person's day.

  10. Get cinema schedule updates

    Quietly getting popular, a movement led by small local cinemas like City Cinema, rather than big cinema networks. But the bigger cinemas are delivering updates via email and these can be converted into feeds by

  11. Read your favourite comics

    Many daily and weekly comic authors publish online and have an RSS feed. Dilbert of course has one. Best way to locate the feed is to type in the name of the comic into either or (both are great RSS feed directories). And even if your favourite comic doesn't have a feed on its website, a good comic will have someone somewhere creating an unofficial scraped feed. has a large updated list of both official and unofficial RSS feed list of hundreds of comics.

  12. Find out what other people surfing

    I don't mean spyware. A lot of people use online bookmarks which they make public. Places like,, and the new are online bookmark services that create RSS feeds for each user.

  13. Automatically backup your weblog posts

    If your RSS feed is being picked up by an online feed reader service like, they will store all your entries on their server. Unfortunately, they don't have an export feature. But at least all your entries (if you have full entries in your RSS feed) are safe and dated.

  14. Get software updates

    Popular software downloads sites like and let you keep up with all new releases via RSS. So you can also be alerted when your favourite softwares have a new version or when there are better releases.

  15. Get the latest bittorrent files and ahem, p*rn

    As they say, if its worth something, it's worth more illegal. Bittorrent directory was the first to have an RSS feed that lets its users know what has just been uploaded. And the online p*rn industry, being always on the cutting edge of online business, was probably the first to take to blog CMSes and use them to generate traffic through RSS feeds. I'll refrain from linking to one here, but it just takes a Google search to find several.


Very good list! Tipp no. 1 has the wrong URL: not “” but

Posted by Herbert on May 06, 05 | 8:14 pm

with the same flavor :

Posted by Éric Baillargeon on May 06, 05 | 9:00 pm

16: get deals:

Posted by James on May 07, 05 | 1:49 am

You can get traffic conditions too via:
Just change the area code, magnification and minimum severity to fit your needs.

Posted by ben on May 07, 05 | 3:12 am

You can get up-to-the-minute police and fire events too:

Posted by Scott Brodsky on May 07, 05 | 4:00 am

And you can SPAM

Posted by Randy Charles Morin on May 07, 05 | 4:55 am

Great post ! First time here and I’ll be back.

Posted by Mike Sigers on May 07, 05 | 7:18 am

You can automatically download legal Video Remixes posted up as bittorrents from

Posted by Momo the Monster on May 07, 05 | 7:29 am

Klir Technologies ( ) supports RSS for their platform. I use it to keep track of my daily reports on devices in the system.

Posted by Brian Mansell on May 07, 05 | 8:01 am

Ping Back来自:RSS摘要

Posted by sayonly on May 07, 05 | 7:02 pm

Latest virus and hoax alerts from Sophos (requires -free- registration):

Posted by Hans on May 08, 05 | 1:46 am

… and for all those sites without RSS, there’s

All you need is a very basic HTML literacy to specify what chuncks of the Web Page to track, and Wotzwot will track changes there and send them to you by RSS.

Posted by Ted Holmes on May 08, 05 | 1:49 am

Good list. *Bookmarked*

Posted by XeroCool on May 08, 05 | 3:47 am

Great list keep up the great stuff!!!

Posted by dfacc on May 08, 05 | 9:23 am

Great to see another Google News to RSS scraper. Now why don’t Google do this themselves and save us the trouble? How old is Google news now? And how long have we been asking for it?

Posted by Julian Bond on May 08, 05 | 3:58 pm

Great post for sure!  [ bookmarker ]

Posted by keven j on May 09, 05 | 6:57 am

If you don’t want to trust third parties with your passwords, or want to keep everything internal to your network, you can do number 2 with my tool IMAP2RSS.php.

I know, I know, shameless plug.. :)

Posted by Dave Currie on May 10, 05 | 12:56 am

Hot mate… love it.

Posted by Ruebs on May 10, 05 | 7:19 am

There’s which is an Amazon price tracker. And hosts a javascript that creates an RSs feed of your amazon wishlist. Now, if only Amazon would take advantage of these two things and start creating personalised marketing like how Syndicateiq proposes they do.

Posted by Tim on May 10, 05 | 2:42 pm
Trackback URL for this entry
Trackback 15 Things You Can Do With RSS

Tim Yang wrote a nice blog entry titled 15 Things You Can Do With RSS. Go there and read it. It’s amazing to find out what RSS can do these days ...

Tracked on My Other Side of the Stories on May 06, 05 @ 10:38 am
Trackback Ideas on syndicate or promote: 15 things you can do with RSS

There are two different streams of using RSS: You can use RSS as syndicate for your site, getting contents for your site - either through manual way by reading it, digest and write something on it or; automatically by scripts and robot. You can u...

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Trackback 15 Dinge, die man mit RSS machen kann

Tim Yang hat eine kleine Linkliste zusammengestellt: 15 Things you can do with RSS; deutlich wird dabei, dass RSS im Grunde für viele Bereich sinnvoll genutzt werden kann um dem Nutzer ein praktisches Mittel in die Hand zu geben, auf dem Laufenden...

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Trackback Rss che passione!

Tim Yang ha pubblicato un interessante articolo dal titolo "15 cose che puoi fare con RSS". Tra le varie segnalazioni ecco quelle che ritengo di particolare interesse: Il feed RSS per gmail un servizio simile a Mailinator.c...

Tracked on Skylog on May 06, 05 @ 5:27 pm
Trackback What you can do with RSS.

Tim Yang wrote a short article on his blog, what you can do with RSS. I especially like the idea #7: Finding out what other people say about you using 'persistent search delivery' by or

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Trackback Was man noch mit RSS machen kann

Mit RSS lassen sich Informationen "gebndelt" aus dem Netz abrufen und man erfhrt alles auf einen Blick, ohne lange "hin-und-her" zu sufen. Blogger und Info-Jger wissen das schon lange - und nutzen doch meist nicht alle Mglichk...

Tracked on Der Mnnerblog on May 06, 05 @ 8:52 pm
Trackback 15 things you can do with RSS - Tim Yang's Geek Blog

15 things you can do with RSS (it was supposed to be 10, but I got carried away) - Tim Yang's Geek Blog A good list of what you can do with RSS. It helps you understand what RSS is all about. Basically, you can perform any task with RSS that re...

Tracked on mebweblog on May 07, 05 @ 12:43 am
Trackback 15 Things You Can Do With RSS

Ever since I discovered the power of RSS myself I've been trying to actively use it as much as possible. My links on the sidebar utilises RSS. So does the AudioScrobbler 'Now playing'...

Tracked on mindless ramblings of an ineffectual preacher on May 07, 05 @ 2:10 am
Trackback 15 things you can do with RSS

Tim Yang lists[15 things you can do with RSS]( besides just reading blogs. I use [Newsgator]( to collect all the sites I am interested in, a couple comics and some podcasts. Now I will ...

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Trackback 可以用RSS來做什麼?

今天在 中看到一篇很受歡迎的Blog文章,15 things you can do with RSS (it was supposed to be 10, but I got carried away),作者 Tim Yang 列出用RSS可以做到的事情 ,下面為Tim所謂的15件事,詳細的...

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Trackback 使用RSS你可以做的15件事

  原文来自于TimYang.com的15 things you can do with RSS。有兴趣的最好还是看原文,我的英文水平不提

Tracked on 海豚微笑的背后 on May 08, 05 @ 8:25 am
Trackback 15 things you can do with RSS (it was supposed to be 10, but I got carried away) - Tim Yang's Geek Blog

15 things you can do with RSS (it was supposed to be 10, but I got carried away) - Tim Yang's Geek Blog timyang列举了十几种rss应用,在我看来都是大同小异,不过列举了很多rss服务的provider,有一些还是很有意思的...

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Trackback Cosas que se pueden hacer con RSS

Tim Yang ha publicado un post, "15 things you can do with RSS (it was supposed to be 10, but I got carried away)" que sigue creciendo con los comentarios de los lectores. Si pensabas que los estndares de sindicacin de contenidos slo serva...

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Bloglines gets GMail feeds now. ...

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Pourquoi ne pas regrouper vos flux RSS en un seul, consultable via votre aggrgateur?

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15 Uses for RSS outlines some of the more popular applications that you can now stick under the single roof that is your aggregator. Including: FedEx package tracking Ne...

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I came across a short article written by Tim Yang, "15 things you can do with RSS". It reminded me of an article I recently read in BusinessWeek, Blogs Will Change Your Business. Specifically, example number 7: Find out what people are saying...

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Pingback My Vogon Poetry » RSS TODO list

...— Brian @ 10:42 pm So, I’m reading this article on 15 things you can do with RSS and I had this idea……TODO lists. Here’s how: 1) come up with a unique/not-easily guessable email to use at ...

Pinged on May 07, 05 @ 11:54 am
Pingback LLC » More things you can do with RSS feeds

...things you can do with RSS feeds Tim Yang, a geek-developer from Malaysia, has 15 outside of the box things that you can do with RSS feeds. Filed under: RSS feeds — Wes Thorp @ 7:42 am ...

Pinged on May 08, 05 @ 9:03 pm
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Pinged on May 10, 05 @ 1:22 pm

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