Redesigns-a-go-go Web Standards Project BUZZon Web Standards (general) at September 11, 2004, 11:49 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

More sites jumping on the CSS + structural markup:

Firtst, Happy Cog Studios has redesigned the Amnesty International USA site. Jeffrey Zeldman discusses the challenges of working with a large site on a tight budget and his experience with the dreaded 3rd party problem. He also has a more complete discussion of the issues here.

Next up, telecomms giant AT&T has pulled off a valid XHTML strict home page, complete with a Flash movie (yeah, SVG might be nice, but realistically browser and plugin support just hasn't reached practical levels). Go Ma Bell, go!

Finally, a the open source Mono Project has come within three validation errors. The gotchas are small: a non-standard attibute value, a missing alt attribute and a missing <li> tag. While not technically valid, they are using clean, semantic markup and that's the most important thing. Besides, I'm inclined to cut 'em a bit of slack on the site — replicating Microsoft's .Net framework as a cross-platform API is a momentous undertaking, and little details like three piddling validation errors on the site are bound to get overlooked here or there while they persue the greater goal.

Hat-tip to Eric Meyer and the 'Redesign Watch' item he's got tucked away in the right-hand column of his site.

Standards for Beginners Web Standards Project BUZZon Training at September 11, 2004, 11:37 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Fellow WaSP Dave Shea is compiling list of web design resources for beginners.

This project promises to be as useful in standards evangelism as Dave's Zen Garden. I'm really looking forward to seeing what he unearths.

How We See Web Pages Web Standards Project BUZZon Usability at September 9, 2004, 8:45 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

The Poynter Institute has posted their EyeTrack III study, a fascinating look at how people view web pages facilitated by a technology that allowed researchers to track participants' eye movements as they surfed.

Hat-tips: Dan Gillmor and Steve Reubel via Robert Scoble

Embedding Objects the Valid Way Web Standards Project BUZZon HTML/XHTML at September 9, 2004, 5:32 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

As part of his piece on best practices for online captioning, Joe Clark has also published a compendium of techniques for using <embed> and <object> with valid markup. This one's going in the bookmarks for sure.

Online Captioning Best Practices Web Standards Project BUZZon Accessibility at September 9, 2004, 5:25 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Joe Clark, accessibility guru and author of the excellent Building Accessible Websites, has pointed me to 'Best practices in online captioning.' It's 21 chapters based on a government-funded university project, but don't let that fool you ;-): it's by far the most comprehensive work I've seen on online captioning.

I find myself doing more and more projects that call for advanced multimedia: audio, Flash, video and the like, as opposed to the more ordinary text + graphics. At the same time, many of my employer's clients are either in the financial industry or serve various government institutions — the sorts of clients for whom meeting accessiblity guidelines are a matter of law. Joe's work in this area will be a tremendous resource for me in the months to come.

Keep 'em coming, Joe!

CSS Tables Web Standards Project BUZZon CSS at September 8, 2004, 9:10 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Following up on the variable-width, even-height CSS columns technique he worked out with WaSP Douglas Bowman, Eric Meyer has added a couple of posts explaining the CSS table-layout properties.

Tantek on 'Ten CSS Tricks' Web Standards Project BUZZon CSS at September 8, 2004, 4:53 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Last week, an article on evolt called Ten CSS tricks you may not know made the rounds through the CSS blogosphere. CSS luminary and erstwhile IE 5/Mac developer Tantek Çelik is doing some peer review. A must-read, if only for information on IE/Win's support for multiple class selectors and why IE/Win sometimes appears to ignore !important declarations.

W3C Rebranding Web Standards Project BUZZon Design at September 8, 2004, 9:59 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Andrei Herasimchuk has posted an excellent logo design tutorial based on his efforts to redesign the W3C logo. Andrei undertook the exercise after Dean Jackson asked him to lend a hand with an upcoming W3C ten year anniversary event.

Sliding CSS Columns Web Standards Project BUZZon Training at September 8, 2004, 9:55 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Eric Meyer and WaSP Douglas Bowman have teamed up to develop a technique for creating multiple columns of equal height and variable width using CSS.

Eric's discussion also includes his thoughts on the expediency of the odd layout table, while Doug frames his explanation in a discussion of the advantages and drawbacks of liquid design.

Both are must-reads.

Update: WaSP Molly Holzschlag has posted her thoughts on the technique and the use of <table>s in such circumstances. Her verdict: sometimes you just can't beat a lightweight <table>.

She's got a point. Sometimes <table>s do just behave better. Lately I've mostly been marking-up designs done by others, and thoes others are firmly in the fixed-width camp, so I haven't had to worry so much about liquid columns. My problems tend to be vertical alignment: getting the tops — or worse yet, the bottoms — of variable-height elements to line up evenly. Perhaps I lack imagination, but I've not found any good way to do it. One can set a height for the elements that one hopes is enough to accommodate all the content, but one extra line of text and the whole thing goes bork.

Personally, I'm with Eric: the lack of a grid-based layout system in CSS is a head-slapper, what-were-they-thinking omission. It's the elephant in the corner when discussing the relative merits of <table>s vs. CSS for layout. The CSS2 table-layout properties would more or less mitigate the problem, I suppose. But with IE 5 Mac & Win still about in appreciable numbers, table-layout just isn't practical for most sites (yet).

Until it is, or until something better comes along, I fear the odd layout <table> will continue creeping into web designs. And semantics and separation of style and structure will continue to suffer.

CSS + XHTML Template Competition Web Standards Project BUZZon Web Standards (general) at September 6, 2004, 5:18 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

WestCiv is holding a competition on developing CSS + XHTML templates for their StyleMaster web development applicaion.

StyleMaster is the brain child of John Alsopp, a former WaSP CSS Samurai.

Hat-tip: Jeffrey Zeldman.

Design in Hand Web Standards Project BUZZon Training at September 5, 2004, 10:44 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

A List Apart has a nifty piece on web design for handhelds. The article was written by Opera's Jorunn D. Newth and W3C Working Group invited expert Elika Etemad.

Tip o' the chapeau to Jeffrey Zeldman.

Safari Adds XSLT Support Web Standards Project BUZZon Browsers at September 5, 2004, 10:27 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Somehow I missed this for nearly a month, but Dave Hyatt has added XSLT support to Apple's KHTML-based Safari browser.

Dave says he's working on an ECMAScript API for document transformations, and he's also asking for test cases using xml-stylesheet, as well as general feedback on XSLT support in general.

Technoriffic Web Standards Project BUZZon Web Standards (general) at September 5, 2004, 10:04 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

While I wasn't looking, Tantek Çelik, formerly a prime mover behind erstwhile CSS standard-bearer IE 5.x for Mac, has redesigned Technorati and Election Watch 2004 using structural markup and CSS.

Though Tantek too has been bitten by the dreaded 3rd party problem, his markup is still a treat.

Tantek gives a peek into his thought process during the projects on his blog, and promises a more thorough discussion of both the Technorati redesign and the in-progress redesign of his own site in days to come.

Think CSS Web Standards Project BUZZon Web Standards (general) at September 5, 2004, 9:40 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

WaSP D. L. Byron recently observed that Macworld has hopped on the CSS layout bandwagon.

It's a nice design, and largely well-crafted, but is let down in the end by advertisement markup littered with FRAMEBORDER and MARGINWIDTH attributes and a mess of unencoded ampersands in various links. Looks like the "3rd party problem" I mentioned when discussing the RE/MAX redesign has claimed another victim.

Dodgy ad markup aside, Macworld appears to have done everything in their power to do it right, and their web team deserves kudos on a job well done.

IEBlog Picks up the Pace Web Standards Project BUZZon Browsers at September 5, 2004, 9:21 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

After a sluggish spell — occasioned, no doubt, by the last-mile sprint to finish XP SP2 and recovery therefrom — IEBlog has started posting some gems.

Of particular interest to web developers is a post explaingin IE for Windows XP SP2's updated user agent string.

Also, be sure to catch Jeff Davis' recent post on the details of pop-up blocking in IE for Windows XP SP2.

Cooking for Engineers Linksat September 10, 2004, 9:46 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

great recipe info design [via
Guardian UK on Dropcash Linksat September 10, 2004, 4:11 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

plus, some developers are using Dropcash to sponsor software features  
Diarists more likely to suffer from various ailments Linksat September 10, 2004, 12:57 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

well, that explains Livejournal [via
Snopes on the Big Burger Linksat September 10, 2004, 12:46 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

for people who refuse to heed Kliban's advice  
The Adventures of Superpup Linksat September 9, 2004, 3:26 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

obscure Superman spinoff from 1958 [via
Artist turns Scrambler ride into giant Spirograph Linksat September 9, 2004, 11:02 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

also: she uses pinball machines to make kinetic paintings [via
Meetup launches new site Linksat September 9, 2004, 10:42 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

better design, message boards, more flexibility for venues [via
Cincinnati Court rules all musical samples must be paid for Linksat September 9, 2004, 9:30 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

"Get a license or do not sample," they ruled [via
Gameboy Advance console mod Linksat September 9, 2004, 5:19 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Save Betamax Linksat September 9, 2004, 3:01 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

call-in day to oppose the Induce Act  
Comment spam forged to appear from legit companies? Linksat September 9, 2004, 1:29 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

one theory: companies are spamming to get their competitors blacklisted from Google  
Kempa on Snerdles Linksat September 9, 2004, 12:59 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

robots that make superhero mosaics out of Nerds for nerds  
Audio: President Bush covers U2's "Sunday Bloody Sunday" Linksat September 9, 2004, 12:54 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

this is a masterpiece of digital editing and public domain audio  
Unix on the Gameboy Advance Linksat September 9, 2004, 12:30 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

this is a hugely geeky hack [via
Huge Ken Jennings Jeopardy spoiler Linksat September 9, 2004, 12:28 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

how many games he won, and his grand total  
Flash: Not My Type IV Linksat September 8, 2004, 11:19 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

animated typography, see the Flash storyboard way down the page [via
Register to vote via P2P Linksat September 8, 2004, 11:13 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Bearshare adds voter registration to their P2P client  
FlashBlock Mozilla extension uninstalled by Macromedia? Linksat September 8, 2004, 11:02 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

update: this turned out to be false [via
Image: Should I Rip This? flowchart Linksat September 8, 2004, 10:55 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Joel on the social aspect of UI design Linksat September 8, 2004, 10:52 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

as always, a great read [via
Anaconda ::: Geek Blog(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Was watching a movie called Anaconda: Hunt for the Black Orchid starring Johnny Messner (the Marine from Spartan). It looked like it was shot in Thailand. In fact, I'm pretty sure of it. But it's supposed to be set in East Malaysia. Its was really odd to see the attempts at details in the Malaysian language and Malaysian geography. The first thing that threw me off was the neon sign for the "Minuman Bir" (beer bar) in the third scene because you can't have beer bars in a Muslim country. It also kept throwing me off that the characters were trying to reach a town called "Kota Bahru" on the river because the real Kota Bahru is about 500 miles and an ocean away from where they were.

CliffNotes is offering free viewing of its books online. I wish they had more poets.

A very interesting email penpal service. It's the first non-charity, adult email penpal service when you search for "email penpal" in Google. The others I found were mainly for kids or were done by charities for special children or under-privileged children. It's also free. I used it for two days and a penpal from the US and a penpal from Finland contacted me after reading my profile. Nice.

Also interesting to note: the number of women users out-numbers the number of men users by 2-to-1.

An interesting online news aggregator that gathers headlines from all the usual suspect media websites -- with a twist.

Incoming news is automatically scanned for "names" allowing for charting, achieving and email alerts by name, showing you who's hot and who's last weeks news.

Very nice tool! Great for debugging a website.

Loading a javascript console in sidebar

PHP-Personals ::: Geek Blog(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

A comprehensive personals software in PHP.

What we need really is a "Best of Ask Metafilter" blog with an RSS feed. Instead, what we get is a wiki WITHOUT an RSS feed. And despite being a wiki, the main author is supposed to be Adrian Hon. What gives? Someone really needs to start a blog for that. *HINT* *HINT*

When you upload an image to this script (png, gif, jpg), it will study the image and generate a colour palette of the dominant colours in the image. Nice.

Color Palette Generator

Measures to help reduce email abuse is being taken up by the abusers in order to bypass the measures and abuse us further.

Spammers embrace email authentication

I am the new Web Standards Group organiser for Malaysia.

PHPenpals ::: Geek Blog(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

An open source PHP script that allows you to set up a penpal service.

After a two week absence, I went back to the gym. It was good to be back.

In the changing room, I noticed a dumbass CHRISTIAN had a STAR OF DAVID tattooed on his left shoulder. I don't know what his dumbass minister has been telling him, but that is one ignorant son of a bitch.

So naturally I go up to him and say,"Shalom!" and he goes "Huh?". It took so much of my self control not to go ballistic on him and beat some sense into this dumbass' skull.

I must be in a really lousy mood to try and pick fights with dumbasses.

I really wanted to talk to Marie all weekend but I never worked up the courage. She must think I am either really dumb or that I don't like her. The problem is that it isn't her fault. I think she wants me to open up, but I'm scared when I really shouldn't be.

Very interesting article in I wasn't aware of the !important trick until now.

10 CSS tricks

UPDATE: Tantek Celik reports that the !important trick is WRONG, along with all the other tips. Whew. I thought I was completely out of touch. That !important trick caught me off-guard.

My favourite periodicals search engine has become XHTML compliant. has archives of articles dating several years from various newspapers and magazines. ::: Geek Blog(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

The poweful Skype VOIP software now has a Mac version. It's not really VOIP, but rather P2P real-time digital transmision of voice/sound over internet. So now, everyone with Skype software on both Windows and Mac can converse with each other for free anywhere around the world as long as they have an internet connection.

This site gathers all the popular free translation engines on one page. All the engines from to -- over a dozen engines!

Back in KL ::: Geek Blog(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

We got back to KL on Monday night, in time for the Malaysian National Day. There was a party, of course. But it wasn't the usual party of foreigners. Alex knew of one in Brickfields, but as well-meaning as Alex is, we really shouldn't trust his judgement of these things.

We ended up at an apartment with a great view of the city, but the old Post Office building obscured the National Day fireworks. And the party was boring -- the guests were mostly local Malaysians and they are crap at parties. We entered a living room filled with these idiots sitting around and none of them wanted to mix with the foreigners whereas we were all working the room. We left the Malaysians alone.

I was too tired -- and I ended up sitting around after midnight. The barbecue on the last night we had at Cherating was filled with silence. We were all really tired out because we had been having vodka dreams every night that only started after 2am.

Cherating #2 ::: Geek Blog(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

On the way to Cherating, I saw a really nice beach when the bus took the coast road. It was about 2 kilometres north of a town called Kuala Dungun, just north of the Tanjong Jara Resort. It's my dream to be able to afford to build a nice little restaurant and chalets by a beach and just make people happy. I'll come back to see the beach again some day. The only thing there was just a little fishing village.

Cherating #1 ::: Geek Blog(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

On last Monday I ended up on Cherating at the Mata Hari chalets where I normally stay. The rain from Cherating started to follow me south on Tuesday but the beach was mostly sunny, especially in the mornings. It's nice here.

Next to my chalet is Rick whom I thought was American because he greeted me with a "howdy" in his north american accent (strangely a west coast american accent and not a texan accent) when I arrived and he didn't say "yah" all the time. But Michelle, the London lawyer staying across the yard corrected me. She said Rick had once said "aboot" to her. He's Canadian. But Rick always avoids me since I started speaking with my north american accent. I think he figures I must be Canadian too and that I would "out" him as a Canadian, not an American.

I wanted to come back on Friday or Thursday, but I got an SMS from Marie. She said she was coming to Cherating for the weekend. She asked if I would be there too and I said I would stay longer.

She came with the whole gang -- the Germans, the French couple, Simon the Swiss, Henie the Dominican and the Danish couple. We had a great time! We found a secluded beach underneath the Sultan of Pahang's Cherating beach house. The sultan wasn't around so we made use of it every day. The sea was rough and too salty, but we had a lot of fun getting half drowned by the surf. I can't swim, but I loved the way you could jump up as the wave hits you and get floated to the shore.

Perhentian #2 ::: Geek Blog(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

I hate cynics. But there's one group of people I hate more. And that's stupid people.

They're living proof that the cynics are sometimes right.

Joe, who runs the Shake Shack a nice little restaurant set slightly away from the beach, is an idealist. When all the cynics who run all the other establishments on the island said,"Hey, let's double the prices during the peak tourist season! Where else are these dumbasses going to go! Hahaha!", he disobeyed and kept his prices the same throughout the year. Not that much higher than what I'd get in Kuala Lumpur for food that's usually not as good as Joe's.

But as nice as Joe is, he is a dumbass.

He rented out the half of his Shake Shack that he doesn't use to a Chinese man who runs a resort on another island for the Chinese man's bar.

The result is predictable:

  • The Chinese man starts having parties for the British drunks until 6am in the morning and makes more money in one night than Joe makes in two months
  • Guess who is the dumbass who has to open his restaurant for breakfast and has to clean the mess up?
  • Guess who is the one with the wife and kid who live in the back room behind the restaurant while said party is going on?
  • The Chinese man is scaring away customers. Who wants a dirty old fart like that salivating and leering at you while you are trying to have lunch?
  • The Chinese man has also been telling customers to move to his resort on the other island. Guess who's customers start to leave?
  • This is a Chinese businessman we're talking about. That's the worst kind of cynic in the world! He doesn't understand the travellers, he doesn't understand island life and maintaining the leisure-filled lifestyle. He just wants to sell beer to the dumbass British drunks at the expense of others.

Joe is one dumbass mother. I tried to talk him into opening up chalets and an internet cafe and a snorkel centre to drive more business to his restaurant. He just nods. Then goes back to the kitchen. I doubt he'll last more than the next season. The Chinese guy just wants to drive Joe out of business and take over the whole premise. Jesus, even Joe's wife can see that.

Three years after 9/11, Manhattan looks shiny and clean. But what has become of its icons: its money, its people and, of course, Rudy? An update on a mending metropolis
Kerry remains behind, 52%-41%, in a three-way race
Neither Presidential candidate talks much about the courts. But whoever wins will have a chance to profoundly shape the judicial system
The Russian president puts some blame on his international critics -- and supports president Bush
FIRST LOOK: A classic trilogy goes on disc and reveals the fierce battle to win the Wars
Joey holds on -- too hard -- to the tried and true
Kerry Conran's home movie isn't like yours. His stars Jude Law, Gwyneth Paltrow and big robots
Mira Nair, Indian director of the surprise hit Monsoon Wedding, releases her biggest movie yet
The challenger's only hope is to get as nasty as the Bush campaign
From jobs to taxes to health care, Bush and Kerry are making lots of promises. TIME crunches the numbers for you
Three years after 9/11, an inside look at the ongoing global battle between moderates and hard-liners over the future of a faith--and its relationship with the West
TIME.comix on Art Spiegelman's new 9/11 work
"... the whole idea is broken and going to cause severe damage and pain for content vendors, technology vendors, and ordinary folks who just want to go on with life."
I finally started playing with this: it's fantastic.
No more PDFs littering my desktop on OS X.
It's the economy, stupid! Vicious employment graphs, available as postcards. (via)
Sexy Python API for
A neat solution to badly behaved aggregators from Nick Bradbury.
They're the fox guarding the hen house.
Matt makes the case for RSS scaling just fine if you're smart about it.
I tried this myself in MS Word on OS X - the spacing lined up exactly. (via)
Uche Ogbuji on ways to convert HTML to XML using Python.
They really aren't that complicated once they're explained well.
The SFTP support has a very pleasant API.
The problem isn't so much the structure of the CIA as it is the quality of their employees.
Includes a recursive text parser in XSLT. May cause your brain to melt.
All of our reporters are armed with camera phones.
Links to this week's topics from search engine forums across the web: How Do You Compete With the Fortune 500s - Google Prices Stock at $85 Per Share - MSN Block-Level Link Analysis - Slickest Link Building Tricks - Your Message to New SEOs - How To Handle AdWords With Thousands Of Keywords
Yahoo, Google and other major web sites have been hit with a lawsuit saying they carry online gambling ads in violation of California law. This comes after two of the major search companies earlier this year made moves that were supposed to remove online gambling ads entirely.
Effective search engine advertising goes far beyond simply bidding on keywords. With both ads and landing pages, you have scant seconds to capture the imagination and clicks of a searcher.
Search engines can tell you a lot about your competition, if you know what to look for. A panel of experts offers tips on profiling your competition.
The 2004 Summer Olympics are underway in Athens and the web is home to plenty of information that makes watching the games even more interesting.
Links to this week's topics from search engine forums across the web: SEMPO Next Steps & Mike Grehan's Second SEMPO Article - Overture Bidding Cap - PPC Question for Merchants - SEO Firm Ordered to Refund Fees, Pay Fine - Tracking Past Links & Traffic? - Google Settles Overture Patent Dispute - Advice on Site Structure
Doing in-depth investigation of a web site? offers a wealth of detail about the people and technology behind just about any web site on the planet.
Forget bookmarks: Web content managers allow you to create your own personal, searchable cache of web pages.
Tired of those unwelcome pests that invade your computer without permission? Banish intrusive spyware and tracking cookies with Yahoo's newly upgraded toolbar.
Google and Yahoo announced today that they have resolved two contentious issues between the companies.
***1/2 (R)
CELLULAR Roger Ebert Movie Reviews(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

***1/2 (PG-13)
CRIMINAL Roger Ebert Movie Reviews(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

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*** (Not rated)
THX 1138 Roger Ebert Movie Reviews(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

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Seven Ways to Save Time Searching ResearchBuzzon Admin at September 9, 2004, 6:32 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Another freebie from Web Search Garage: Seven Ways to Save Time Searching....
State Library of Connecticut Updates History Page ResearchBuzzon US-Connecticut at September 8, 2004, 8:16 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

The State Library of Connecticut has updated their history page. More annotation, more sources, and what looks like just generally more stuff. Good stuff!
Redball Search Engine Rolling in Austria On October 1 ResearchBuzzon Search Engines-Various at September 9, 2004, 3:51 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

I see lots and lots of press releases about new search engines. But this one from Redball ( ) from September 7 was most intriguing. Don't go running to...
Peerbot Offers Searching by Favicon ResearchBuzzon Search Engines-Various at September 9, 2004, 3:54 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

You know what favicons are? They're little teeny icons that show up on the address bar in at least Opera, Mozilla, and Internet Explorer. You can get information on what...
CliffsNotes Now Available for Free Online Viewing ResearchBuzzon Humanities-Literature at September 9, 2004, 7:47 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

CliffsNotes has announced that they've got 180 literature guides online for free viewing. The snag is that viewing is the only thing that's free. Downloading and printing the guides will...
Track News Buzz By Name ResearchBuzzon Publications-Search at September 8, 2004, 10:03 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

If you like sites like Yahoo Buzz which tell you about the most popular people and topics in searches, you'll like NewsbyName. It scans news for names and ranks name...
Agricultural Research Service Launches Plant Nutrient Database (Sorta) ResearchBuzzon Science-Agriculture at September 8, 2004, 8:04 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

The Agricultural Research Service has launched a plant nutrient database containing information on phytonutrients in 206 different foods. It's available at . I put the sorta in the headline...
Yahoo Previewing Travel Search Tool, IE Only ResearchBuzzon World-Travel at September 8, 2004, 8:12 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Yahoo is previewing a new travel search tool. Remember when they bought FareChase? It was just a couple months ago -- see for details. Anyway, they've got a new...
Wotbox Rolls Out Country-Specific Search Engines ResearchBuzzon Search Engines-Various at September 8, 2004, 9:55 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Search engine Wotbox, last covered by ResearchBuzz about a year ago ( ) has announced that they've started country-specific sites. Here's the list: Australia - Canada -
Gmail-Powered Blogging ResearchBuzzon Google Hacks at September 8, 2004, 3:39 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Gallina version 0.1, a proof of concept to post to a 'blog with Gmail messages. Gmail doesn't have an API, I don't think, so I wonder why all the brainpower...
Happy Sixth Birthday Google! ResearchBuzzon Search Engines-Google at September 8, 2004, 3:18 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Google celebrates its sixth birthday. Unfortunately that logo doesn't link to query. "WOO HOO!" perhaps?...
New User's Guide to ResearchBuzz ResearchBuzzon Admin at September 8, 2004, 12:12 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

New User's Guide to ResearchBuzz is finally available. I did a few more things. Probably the biggest thing is now there's a JavaScript implementation for adding the site's RSS feed...
Speaking of WiFi ResearchBuzzon US-Michigan at September 6, 2004, 2:39 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Everybody's been talking about Philadelphia thinking about going to an all-city, WiFi, so I thought I'd mention a press release at Michigan's Web site. Michigan has deployed WiFi at two...
State of Idaho Starts Business Site ResearchBuzzon US-Idaho at September 6, 2004, 2:30 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

The state of Idaho has started a new site for business information at Information lookups available on this site include commercial and industrial properties, business entity search, and UCC/Lien...
Get Information on Lawyers In Ohio ResearchBuzzon US-Ohio at September 3, 2004, 11:46 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

The state of Ohio now has a site where you can look up information on lawyers. The site is free and it's available at . You may search...
hogtied with velvet duct tape Red Meat(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

something warm for the whelps Red Meat(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

standard-issue laugh rations Red Meat(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

nematodes in your napery Red Meat(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

A Unique Curriculum Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Coming Soon Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

The Burrs And Barbs Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Gabriel The Orator Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

This Is An Allegory Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Larvae Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

A Light Tickling Sensation Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

We Do In Fact Have Limits Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

This Is An Allegory Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

The Other Side Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

The Eye Of The Beholder Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Der Hornen Penny Arcade!(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

For lack of better words... onClickby Luis Pangilinan at August 27, 2004, 6:18 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Smarts onClickby Luis Pangilinan at September 11, 2004, 1:37 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

It has been several months since I last visited the gym (24-Hour Fitness). My body was quick to remind me that taking such a long break from working out has repercussions. Upon waking up early today to hit the showers, I was greeted with multiple muscle aches and cramps (and in so many places that I never new would hurt).

Even my finger nails are throbbing in pain.

Forlorn onClickby Luis Pangilinan at September 8, 2004, 2:18 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

There are times when you play out life scenarios in your head repeatedly that more often than not, you get desensitized to a certain degree of comfort only to be rudely waken up one day in a heart-stopping panic that everything you've imagined has caught up with reality. It doesn't make much sense, I know, but truth be told, I am seriously beginning to believe that life does have a sick sense of humor. Just when you think that every piece in your life's puzzle has fallen amazingly into place, something goes left instead of right and the whole path becomes obscured, and the puzzle reverts back to what it was when you first started piecing things together.

Everyone, I suppose, has a goal, that place of achievement where you envision yourself in once the hurdles has been passed. This goal keeps you on track and provides a loose guide on where you stand in your own personal state of happiness. So now, what happens if and when you suddenly find yourself in that space where you thought you'd always end up in but now does not hold up to your own expectations?

I am in that limbo right now, career-wise mostly.

I find it incredibly absurd that I would even have the energy to question where I am headed. Right now the road presents so many forks that I could not even begin to choose. And like I mentioned earlier, life is funny like that. You always think that you'd know what to do when you get there, but you don't. I wonder if people go through life like this; semi-blindfolded with only their previous experiences to guide them through the maze? But there's the catch, what if everything is all new? Where do you base your decisions on?

Speaking for myself, I really haven't got a clue. I suppose I can move on one step at a time. Or perhaps to solicit advice from others who have been there -- that path of not knowing what lies ahead. They say it happens to everyone, the fear factor that is. I've been told that all you need is to find something or someone to focus on and everything else will follow. But regardless, it doesn't provide me an ounce of comfort. I'll be open and outrightly say that it scares me and it keeps me awake every night -- not knowing.

Its times like these that I am glad that I have someone. Call it mushy, but everyone needs someone — and I need her. From her, I draw the courage to step into the unknown and move forward. Because of her, my waning enthusiasm refocuses into inspired dreams. I just hope she has the strength to put up with all my idiosyncracies, my insecurities and my fears, for without her, I'd be lost…

Please come home to me soon. I miss you.
Dejected onClickby Luis Pangilinan at August 26, 2004, 7:31 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

There are days when work just sucks.

Today's one of those days...
Driver's Ed onClickby Luis Pangilinan at August 25, 2004, 12:30 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

For almost five years, the car has been able to avoid those parking lot dings and stave off them nasty California freeway traffic fender-benders. But alas, the inevitable came and our pristine white Honda Accord finally acquired its first badge of honour in the form of a nasty gash at the rear quarter passenger side of the car.

We arrived considerably late at the cabin we rented for our weekend stay at Big Bear. It was awfully dark, considering there were no street lights. And bombing through those steeply carved and winding roads covered in pitch black darkness was not a clever idea to begin with. But anyway, as we arrived at the house, I tried (despite the renter's advice of avoiding the climb if 4X4-impaired), to make a run for the top of the driveway.

Gravity eventually won out. And with the car's clutch giving off that distinctive smell of defeat, I finally had to let my foot off the gas and give the car a break.

Undeterred, we decided to go for another try (lightening the load by letting off passengers and rolling back down the driveway to regain momentum). But while backing the car down the steeply inclined asphalt with only the feeble illumination of the reverse lights to guide me, I inadvertently scraped the side of the car on the thickly covered (and riveted) walls lining the driveway. My heart leapt at the sound of metal and plastic grinding against hardened pinewood. Prospects of a major car damage notwithstanding, the trek up the driveway was still pursued.

After triumphantly hurdling the climb, my fears were soon realized upon seeing the horrid gasp on my wife's face as the car pulled up. $900 plus a bruised driving ego was the total damage. Damn. Oh well, maybe next time I'll rent a Hummer instead, then I could just run over the house — bears, deers, squirrels, and all.
Pinned onClickby Luis Pangilinan at August 18, 2004, 9:28 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

The problem with having so many interests and quirky hobbies is that at some point in time, one particular hobby (if not all) gets neglected or put off in the backburner of more important things such as life in general. But occasionally, something or someone you come across with would unintentionally rekindle renewed interest in hobbies long forgotten.

Take for example my humble collection of pins — lapel pins (cloisonnes or tie tacks) from special events (commemorative), corporate or trademark logos (often from corporate stores, years of service pins or from workplaces of people I know), amusement parks, collector items (McDonalds, Hard Rock and Disney pins), Olympic pins and more obscure stuff given by friends and family — I collect them all. My collection isn't extensive (limited to a tabloid-sized frame), it does not even have a theme. But eventually, with help from folks such as yourselves, maybe I can get it to grow. My wife, the cool person that she is, has yet again indulged my fascination for these things. She even snagged me a couple by asking a Wal-Mart and Albertson employee if it was possible to get one of their corporate pins!

So if you folks have any lying around that you can part with, please send it my way. It doesn't matter if it is old, politically inclined, a logo of your company, or even something unknown. The more the merrier. Once I receieve several pins — even just one (I know, its cheesy to beg, but hey), I'll scan them all along with the ones I already have and post it online for everyone to gawk at. Heh.
Ouch onClickby Luis Pangilinan at August 18, 2004, 2:53 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:16 am) flag all up to this item

Getting rejected or rejecting someone just got easier. As if! I cannot even begin to imagine how ruthless this would be, given the fact that rejection is harsh enough, but the delivery would be the final blow. I'm just glad that I am out of the dating game (not that I've ever joined the foray) and now happily married to the coolest chick. Its a mad, mad, world. (link via
Drunk, tired, evil, bald? We couldn't get enough of it...(WEB)
Here are several good reasons! (Powerpoint 694KB)
Put it this way - it doesn't go well. (WMV 1.28MB)
Warning! The images you are about to see may be disturbing to friends of vegetables. (WEB)
Having a terrible time trying to land (WMV 2.43MB)
Mr Benn, Roobarb and Custard, the Moomins... speak, memory! (Excel 437KB)
This is most weird. (Word 54KB)
Go on, get a life... (Excel 437KB)
Easy when you know how... (Word 20.5KB)
Diary New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Another hit song, this one by Alicia Keys, has resulted in a flood of prank phone calls.
An unusual twist on the Nigerian Scam.
G.I. Joe New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Yet another Starbucks rumor: Did the java giant turn down coffee-seeking soldiers serving in Iraq, saying they "don't support the war and anyone in it"?
7Up New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Was the soft drink 7Up named for the number of its ingredients?
The Wrath of Grapes New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Was the John Steinbeck novel "The Grapes of Wrath" published in a Japanese translation bearing the title "The Angry Raisins"?
Report to Parents New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Satire on the loose: Grammar school report details problems with a young George W. Bush.
Is the >3M company constructing the World's Largest Pink Ribbon in Times Square to support breast cancer awareness?
Girth of a Nation New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Did the New York Yankees invent pinstriped uniforms in an effort to disguise Babe Ruth's girth?
Wal-Mart Fire New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Is AOL reducing the hospital bill of a little girl badly burned in a fire at a Wal-Mart by $2 per e-mail forward?
The Naked Truth New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Should you beware of perverts posing as pollsters?
Booth Uncouth New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Caught in the act: Couple takes risqué pictures in an amusement park photo booth.
Nicotine Non-Fit New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Does the Tim Hortons chain add nicotine to their coffee to keep customers hooked on it?
Bill Timmins New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Did Bill Timmins, president of the Aladdin casino, pen a caustic reply to Michael Moore's open letter?
Running Eagle New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Did Native Americans dub Senator John Kerry "Running Eagle"?
Liner Notes New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Did Subway sandwich shop tray liners used in Germany depict an overweight Statue of Liberty?
Tales of Disney costumed characters molesting park guests.
Zero Heroes New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

How often did the Los Angeles Dodgers of the Koufax/Drysdale era win 1-0 games in which Maury Wills scored the winning run?
Denzel Washington New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Does an e-mail detail actor Denzel Washington's TV appearance with Katie Couric?
Wash Me! New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Does a photograph show the imprint of a sexual encounter on a dirty car hood?
Royally Screwed New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Did a video poker player who was dealt a royal flush lose his jackpot because he failed to mark all the cards as held before pushing the "Deal" button?
Awesome Paint Job New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Do photographs show a U.S. military helicopter painted like an eagle?
Gatorade New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Do photographs show an alligator swimming across a lake with a deer clutched in its jaws?
Bush by the Numbers New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

E-mail lists "four years of George W. Bush double standards"?
Big Burger New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Could you polish off a 6-pound hamburger in under three hours?
The Hare Dryer New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

A familiar "hare-raising" tale pops up in the "Dear Abby" advice column.
Fetal Footprint New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Does a photograph show a fetal footprint on its mother's abdomen?
Bring It On, John New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Oliver North's open letter to Senator John Kerry.
T. Bubba Bechtol New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Did Pensacola City Councilman T. Bubba Bechtol issue a comment on Iraqi prisoner abuse and battery cables?
Olympic Games New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Olympic humor: List collects humorous double entrendres from various sports commentators.
Kern County Sheriff New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Photograph shows a Kern County Sheriff's car with an unusual decal.
Same Old Slip New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Despite popular legend, the Titanic was not the first ship to use "S.O.S." as a distress call.
The Hands of God New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Photograph appears to shows God's hands in a cloud formation.
Overcharged New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Was a man electrocuted by a recharging cell phone?
Resolve Carpet Cleaner New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Nasty and untrue rumor implicates Resolve Carpet Cleaner in the death of a toddler.
Megabucks Lore New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

We delve into the many tall tales associated with Megabucks, the largest slot jackpot offered in Nevada.
Right (Wing) Hook New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Does a photo show Yale undergraduate George W. Bush delivering a punch to the face of a rugby opponent?
Ben Stein New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Ben Stein's essay about the nature of stardom continues to find a receptive audience.
William Hung New Urban Legends(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Has "American Idol" favorite William Hung died of a heroin overdose?
E-mail from neighbor describes Democratic vice-presidential candidate John Edwards.
The Blame Game MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

9/11: Who do we blame? George W. Bush? Democrats? Bill Clinton? Ronald Reagan? The FBI? "The government"? Saddam Hussein? God? Maybe it was punishment for years of legal abortion. Maybe if we had destroyed the sodomites [pdf] those 3000 people would still be alive. Maybe. But with all these conflicting reports, will we ever really know who is truly responsible for the 9/11 attacks?
We miss you, Anna. MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

She was destined to lead us.
One year ago today, Sweden got it's own 9/11 trauma. Foreign Minister Anna Lindh died by the hand of a madman.
Three Years On MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Three Years On A sobering analysis by Juan Cole of the strategic motivation behind 9/11.
9/11 As Part of History MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

The Library of Congress American Memory site is a good place to start in looking back at 9/11. They feature a twin towers poster that I have always liked and a "Stop Hate" graphic that's now my PC wallpaper (at least for the week). There are also multiple links to a wide variety of related content.
(Nearly) Unbreakable MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Shake it, don't break it! Linked article reviews a few laptops that can really take a beating. Hey, I adore my sexy, sleek Sony Vaio, but I have to admit, if I ever dropped it, I'd have a really big problem. (This article is from April, so I did search of MeFi and there were no returns, so enjoy!)
Suing the Saudis MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Suing the Saudis The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has decided to join a $7 billion lawsuit that was filed last week by bond brokerage firm Cantor Fitzgerald, which lost 658 of its employees--two thirds of the firm--in the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center, which was three years ago today. It looks like they may be gearing up to use RICO: "[The lawsuit said] Saudi Arabia engaged in a pattern of racketeering as it participated directly or indirectly in al Qaida's work through its "alter-ego" charities and relief organisations, which it funded and controlled." Al Qaida is named as a co-defendant, and four Saudis are mentioned by name: the interior minister, the defense minister, the governor of Riyadh, and the British ambassador, all members of the Saudi royal family.
Three years after the day that claimed 658 employees, Cantor Fitzgerald thrives. Controversial CEO Howard Lutnick went from tragic figure to villain in a matter of days when he abruptly terminated the pay of deceased employees, but Cantor has since paid $145 million to families in tribute to former colleagues. Joining many others throughout the country in a movement called One Day's Pay, the firm will donate 100% of Monday's revenues to the family relief fund. -more-
Wow MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

One cool thing to have come out of all the typewriter discussion going on these days.
Take 100 photos of 100 faces in a metropolitan area, morph them together to create a composite male and female face, and you can see the face of tomorrow.
Shakespeare original scans MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

The British Library is putting online 93 high-resolution digitised copies of 21 of Shakespeare's plays. They include many lines and passages that are different from those found in the First Folio editions, which were not printed until after Shakespeare's death. BBC article.
Beep MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Yeah, so you have to guess the Google Image Search query from the images it returns.
Kid Beyond MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Kid Beyond is a nifty vocal percussionist I just saw perform. Hear some tracks online [flash]. Try Kashmir. Think: one dude, a mic, and a delay pedal. If you live near Berkeley, you can learn beatbox from the kid himself at the JazzSchool on Sunday, November 7.
[no title] MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

"Al Gore...lives on my block." Humorous song by one of Al Gore's neighbors (warning: audio starts up right away when you go to the site). See this week's New Yorker for the full story, but the song itself is quite entertaining with no background at all.
The Passion of the Krishna MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

There appear to be many similarities between the lives of Krishna and Jesus Christ. Exploring the linkage between the two does make one wonder whether the similarities are coincidences or for a very good reason.
I Hear A New World MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Meeksville centers around Joe Meek, Britain's first independent record producer, whose DIY engineering wizardry would transform record-making during the Sixties. Five years after an international #1 hit in the Tornadoes' space-age Telstar (Windows Media or RealPlayer), he would self-destruct, in an end not without tragedy or speculation. His works--along with his trademarked name--live on.
Behavior in the voting booth. (by Louis Menand)
Phot'optic Collection MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Phot'optic Collection — 'Accumulation interactive d'appareils, de publicités de catalogues et de matériels photographiques français.'

Discovered within Ramage's attic.
Testy Copy Editors is a site run by WaPo Financial Copy Editor Philip Blanchard, with guest columns and discussions dedicated to blowing off steam for people in the occasionally tense business of making words fit, parse properly and make sense in print.

If you've actually edited copy under a deadline, or know someone who has, you know how thankless the job can sometimes be.
"To Kill the Child" and "Leaving Beirut" - two new songs written in response to the Iraq war by Roger Waters, and posted to his website in various streaming formats.
Hurricane Journalism MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

"Conditions are deteriorating, Dwight!" Herald writer's comprehensive guide to Hurricane Journalism. Very important reading for storm-chasing reporters, especially now, as Ivan the Terrible sets its eye on Jamaica, Cuba, and Florida. Found via CapitalWeather. Also check out CaribPundit for Ivan updates and reminiscences of island hurricanes. (Ivan the Terrible? Eye? Get it? Eh? Eh? Yeah, I didn't think it was funny on Fox News either.)
Gettin involvit in the Scottish Pairlament The Scottish Pairlament is here for tae represent aw Scotland's folk. We want tae mak siccar that as mony folk as can is able tae find oot aboot whit the Scottish Pairlament dis and whit wey it warks.
you're a rat, see? MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Who's A Rat? "Largest online database of informants and agents." 407 profiles and counting.
Heavens to Murgatroid MetaFilter(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Heavens Above! This is a pretty neat website for anybody interested in astronomy. Give it your location (City names work, even my white bread red-neck plains town did) and it'll give you star maps, fly by times and viewing instructions for satellites and so on.
Holy crap! It's a gigantic killing machine! remaindered linksby jkottke at September 3, 2004, 11:46 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Paul Graham on the writing of essays remaindered linksby jkottke at September 3, 2004, 1:49 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

I liked this bit: "so the main value of notebooks may be what writing things down leaves in your head."
This first column of the Hacking Congress series is called "Screenscraping the Senate".
New collection of "travel" stories by Susan Orlean: My Kind of Place remaindered linksby jkottke at September 10, 2004, 12:27 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Analog is hip among the digital generation remaindered linksby jkottke at September 10, 2004, 8:23 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

I've wanted a rotary dial on my cell phone for the longest time.
Book deal in t-minus 4, 3, 2, ...
Timberwolves are trying to get Karl Malone to help championship run remaindered linksby jkottke at September 10, 2004, 10:30 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Interview with Cory Archangel about his video game-related art remaindered linksby jkottke at September 10, 2004, 10:43 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Citizen reportage and Flickr remaindered linksby jkottke at September 10, 2004, 10:52 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Flickr is becoming a good place to find photos of notable events.
Roster of the Dead remaindered linksby jkottke at September 11, 2004, 1:29 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Photos of each of the 1000 soldiers who have died in Iraq.
The IBM Composer typewriter remaindered linksby jkottke at September 11, 2004, 6:06 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

As used to type the Bush National Guard documents.
Guardian interview with Fatboy Slim remaindered linksby jkottke at September 11, 2004, 4:17 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Mr. Sun and his shameful Farrah Fawcett-induced coronal mass ejections remaindered linksby jkottke at September 11, 2004, 2:02 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

What the heck? US assault weapons ban to lapse? remaindered linksby jkottke at September 11, 2004, 1:46 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Never mind the assault weapons, here's the Swift Boat Veterans and forged National Guards records!
Writing books is a bad way to make a living unless you're Stephen King remaindered linksby jkottke at September 11, 2004, 4:50 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

A story of a woman and her small book about the war in Kosovo.
The main issue is with the font; the document may be too modern-looking to have been produced on a circa-1972 typewriter.
Photo of a gigantic collaborative street art project from Australia remaindered linksby jkottke at September 9, 2004, 11:17 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Holiday e-commerce ideas from the gang at 37signals remaindered linksby jkottke at September 9, 2004, 10:40 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

"Dozens of ideas for improving the holiday customer experience at your site".
Authentication of the Lincoln Portrait Daguerreotype remaindered linksby jkottke at September 9, 2004, 4:18 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Online Sumerian dictionary remaindered linksby jkottke at September 9, 2004, 3:58 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dictionary makers put it online after discovering fast and loose is often preferable to slow and exhaustive. (Comment on this)
Thomas Keller's Per Se gets four stars from the NY Times remaindered linksby jkottke at September 9, 2004, 1:52 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Unix for the Gameboy Advance remaindered linksby jkottke at September 9, 2004, 1:36 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Nerdy, nerdy, nerdy, nerdy, nerdy, nerdy, nerdy, nerdy, nerdy, nerdy, nerdy.
Logo RIP, a commemoration of dead logotypes remaindered linksby jkottke at September 9, 2004, 12:46 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Where design nerds go to mourn old logos, including Enron, Paul Rand's work for UPS, and the swastika. (Comment on this)
50 essential music tracks from 1900 through the 90s remaindered linksby jkottke at September 9, 2004, 12:42 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Looks like they missed some of the hippie music in the 60s/70s. And no disco? Still, what an impossible task... (Comment on this)
PBS documentary: The Video Game Revolution remaindered linksby jkottke at September 8, 2004, 12:50 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

College textbooks are showing up on Bit Torrent remaindered linksby jkottke at September 8, 2004, 12:18 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Ken Jennings back on Jeopardy and continues to win remaindered linksby jkottke at September 8, 2004, 12:03 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Did the First Americans Come From, Er, Australia? remaindered linksby jkottke at September 7, 2004, 5:26 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

TiVo and Netflix are teaming up to offer downloadable movies remaindered linksby jkottke at September 7, 2004, 5:23 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Can't pull the 'hood' over some peoples eyes! (QT6 req.) (Kontraband ref : K1535)
Warmup / Dutch Oven Kontraband / TV Ads(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Who hasn't done this at some point ? (QT6 req.) (Kontraband ref : K1528)
Mini Brother Kontraband / TV Ads(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

How many Big Brother contestants can you fit into a MINI? (Kontraband ref : K1524)
Even Captain Kirk's reign has to end ! (QT6 req.) (Kontraband ref : K1521)
Manpons Kontraband / TV Ads(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

For those discreet unwanted little 'Man' problems ! (QT6 req.) (Kontraband ref : K1503)
Definately his best film to date ! (QT6 req.) (Kontraband ref : K1235)
A hot product with a little special ingredient ! (QT6 req.) (Kontraband ref : K1481)
Yo! - Once more around da block ! - Director: Daniel Outram (QT6 req.) (Kontraband ref : K1215)
It's amazing what some women will put in their mouth ! (QT6 req.) (Kontraband ref : K1551)
How comes this never works for me ? ( Turnpike Films ) (QT6 req.) (Kontraband ref : K1174)
Gmail Trash Now Emptied Automatically Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 11, 2004, 4:19 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

A new feature in Gmail will delete all your spam and mails in the trash after 30 days.
Google Japan Without Major Newspaper Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 10, 2004, 10:59 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

"Google Inc. launched the Japanese version of its Google News on Sept. 1. Google News in Japanese presents information culled from approximately 610 news sources, mostly Web sites operated by Japanese newspapers, news agencies, broadcast stations and fore
OT: Porsche Community Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 10, 2004, 8:51 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Here is the new official Porsche Boxster Community, where you can upload your favorite tracks, view and vote on other tracks, and possibly win something: USA/ Canada Germany
Google Rotated Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 10, 2004, 7:07 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

It's just what it sounds like: Google rotated. (Windows Internet Explorer only, I'm afraid.)
Goooo...oooogle Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 10, 2004, 4:56 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

If you enter ... gooooooooooooooo oooooooooooogle ... into Google, you will be asked if you mean ... gooooooooooooooooooooooooooogle ... which, to me, looks smart and silly at the same time. PS: There's a limit to the number of "o"s you can
Image Quiz Needs You Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 10, 2004, 4:33 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Do you have words or phrases to contribute to the Image Quiz? From movie titles, celebrities, emotions to anything else you can think of, as long as it might be possible to guess it by looking at the safe-search result in Google Images. If you email me a
Google News China, Hong Kong, Taiwan Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 10, 2004, 4:10 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

There are three new additions to the ever-growing list of Google News versions: China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. I've been told the sources for Google News China all look very "official" (i.e. news partly controlled by the government). [Via Pierre in the f
Gmail WML Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 10, 2004, 2:58 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Sourceforge sees the start of project Gmail-Mobile for WML-enabled phones. Nevermind WML (of WAP1) has been replaced by XHTML (WAP2) quite a while ago...
Sci-Fi Encyclopedia Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 10, 2004, 12:17 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Scott Niven brings you The Google Visual Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and Fantasy Cliches.
Gmail Notifier for Trillian Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 9, 2004, 11:20 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

You've Got Gmail is a Gmail notifier plugin for Trillian Pro. [Via Aimless Words.]
Search by Icon Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 9, 2004, 11:17 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Peerbot lets you search by Favicons (a Favicon is the little graphic usually showing left to the URL in the browser address bar, or in bookmarks). [Via ResearchBuzz.]
Google Alerts and Google News Alerts Merge Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 9, 2004, 7:56 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

The two services Google Alerts (for web pages) and Google News Alerts (for news pages) are now merged together in a single, more advanced interface. [Thanks Markus R.]
Post-per-Page vs Daily Archive Page Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 9, 2004, 5:22 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Biz Stone in a release of today says "If you're still only archiving by day, week, or month you are living in the past man. You've got to make sure you are publishing every post as its very own web page with Post Pages. That makes your entries
WikiAlong Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 9, 2004, 4:57 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

WikiAlong is a Firefox extension which lets you maintain a Wiki page for every Web URL you visit. After installing, you need to close your Firefox browser, open it up again, and expand the sidebar (View - which, quite naturally, has its first "This is Order Bug Google Blogoscopedby Philipp Lenssen at September 9, 2004, 4:50 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

The latest unfortunate bug waiting for me in is that the order of posts gets randomly messed. Usually, when you create a new post, it will be added on top. Today, two different new posts I wrote (at the time of their creation) landed anywhere
Dual Core Processors Explained Forever Geekby barbutti on Articles at September 11, 2004, 11:56 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

It's been a long time that we don't have a breakthrough release in the processor world. I mean, Intel's Hyper-Threading and AMD's 64bit processors are both more 2 years old. Well, it looks like the next and inevitable step is to release dual core processors and both companies are working hard on it.

A dual core processor is exactly what it sounds like. It is two processor cores on one die essentially like having a dual processor system in one processor.

Sounds interesting, huh?

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Save Betamax Forever Geekby Scrivs on News at September 11, 2004, 1:47 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

The Betamax ruling is the only thing that protects your right to own a VCR, tape recorder, CD-burner, DVD-burner, iPod, or TiVo. It's that important. But new legislation that's being pushed through the Senate by lobbyists for the music and movie industries would override the Betamax decision and create a huge liability for any business that makes products which can copy sound or video. This legislation (formerly known as the INDUCE Act) would essentially give Hollywood veto power over a huge range of new technologies. And if they get this power, they'll definitely use it: just as they tried to stomp out the VCR in the 70's and 80's, the music and movie industries want to force all content to go through their own restricted channels.

It's important to register and drop a phone call on Congress. Stupid idiots (congress, not you people ;-).

via Geek News Central

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Nokia: 7260, 7270, 7280 -- Old School is New Forever Geekby Scrivs on Gadgets at September 10, 2004, 10:40 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item




Something different I will give them that.

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UNIX on the Game Boy Advance Forever Geekby Scrivs on Gadgets at September 9, 2004, 2:20 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

There are a ton of things in this world that I have seen Geeks do and thought that it was either cool or interesting. Rarely though do I sit there thinking that the poor souls are just wasting their f*cking time with something. This is one of those cases.

Nintendo's Gameboy should only have one sole purpose and that is to play highquality games. In no way should one attempt to load the UNIX operating system on it and use it. No matter how cool you think it is. I mean, I mean, I mean...ah hell, I guess this is kind of cool.

But does this mean that they just beat every game out there and couldn't find any other uses for the GBA?

In this document, we discuss "gbaunix", a rather contrived experiment in which we run an ancient version of the UNIX operating system on a popular hand-held video game system using a simulator.

via Kottke

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Top 10 Subversion Tips for CVS Users Forever Geekby Scrivs on Open_Source at September 9, 2004, 1:22 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

I have said it multiple times in the past. If you are still using CVS, you owe it to yourself to go check out Subversion. It's CVS++.

This article will help get you up to speed by offering tips that many CVS users would find really helpful in getting them started with Subversion.

Although the interfaces are similar, there are some important differences. Subversion has some features that CVS either lacks or offers differently; plus, there's the need to unlearn some of the bad habits that CVS has instilled in you.

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Security Images in PHP Forever Geekby Scrivs on Programming at September 9, 2004, 1:03 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Ever been to a site where you had to register and the registration form required that you type in the same phrase that is found in a hard-to-read image? Well I seem to run across these damn sites all the time, but I understand the security reasons behind why they must do it. Mainly it's to keep the bots out and the real people in.

This articles goes into detail showing you how to implement this “feature” on your site with PHP.

This could also be useful for blog commenting if you find other techniques aren't as successful.

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NVIDIA GeForce 6600GT Forever Geekby Scrivs on Gadgets at September 9, 2004, 12:59 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

It is almost new video card buying time (I am too embarrassed to admit what my PC is currently running) and it seems NVIDIA has taken back the speed crown from ATI.

However, NVIDIA 6800 series video cards are not necessarily in great supply and to supplement their demand NVIDIA announced in August the launch of the 6600 series. Although this was a paper launch many people were hoping that this chip would feel the gap for people who didn't feel like spending 6800 prices, but were still looking for 6800 type speed.

The 6600 is powered by the NV43 core, while the 6800 is powered by the NV40 so they are essentially different. The pipeline behind the 6600 is only half that of the 6800 and its memory bus is only 128-bit compared to 256-bit for the 6800 line (wow). You can get the 6600 with either DDR3 memory or plan ol' 1999 DDR for $150. Even though it seems greatly crippled the card performs amazingly well in comparison to the 6800.

It's easily the best card you can find for $200. ATI's midrange cards can't even compare.


Here are some sites offering reviews:

Now as long as I can find one that has dual-dvi then I might be all over this card.

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Creating Tile Based Games with Flash Forever Geekby derek on Games at September 8, 2004, 9:10 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

A great collection of tutorials and tips on how to create tile-based games with Macromedia Flash. The articles are well written considering English isn't the guy's primary language, and are packed with all kinds of info. The site covers everything from what a tile-based game is, to how to handle path-finding, hit detection, and more. You can even download the .fla files for the examples, so you can see exactly how he did it in Flash. The articles expect you to have a basic understanding of Flash, so it's not really a newbie tutorial, but if you already have a grasp on Flash, this is a great place to learn more about creating games with it.

Be sure to check out the Links section, which has a ton of links to other good Flash game sites, and game development sites.

While you're at it, take a look at An Overview of Isometric Game Engine Development and all of the other interesting game development articles at Book of Hook

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What Would You Like to See? Forever Geekby Scrivs on Forever_Geek at September 8, 2004, 6:01 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

A general question to the FG crowd out there. What would you like to see more of? We have a diverse staff that caters to a lot of different interest so almost anything is possible within the geek realm. Would you like to see more video game stuff? Anime? Programming? Geek news? What?

Let us know because even though we are geniuses in our own minds, at times we miss things here and there.

I can tell you from my standpoint you will see a LOT more Anime coming from me. So much anime you might be sick of anime, but I am going to forcefeed you with my anime.

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Free .info Domains Forever Geekby derek on Geek_Resources at September 8, 2004, 1:36 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item is offering 25 free .info domains to anyone that wants one. After the 25th domain they are only $3.99 each. From what I can tell it is legit, as a few of my friends have registered some domains with them that are up and working. I'm not sure when or if the offer expires, so you may want to go ahead and do it if you are interested.

If nothing else they could be secondary domains that you park on top of your existing domain, so that if the company does mysteriously disappear in the future you won't have any mission-critical sites with them. Or you could register the domain with them then transfer it to another registrar and have the domain for 2 years for the price of one.

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Make your NES gamepad USB/PC Compatible Forever Geekby derek on Games at September 8, 2004, 1:26 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

For around $20 you can take your old NES gamepad and turn it into a USB powered gamepad for use on your PC or Mac with your favorite emulator with the help of this handy guide from Joystiq.

It requires taking apart the controller and soldering wires though, so if you aren't a do-it-yourselfer, buy the finished product for only a few bucks more.

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Staging Web Sites on Mac OSX Forever Geekby derek on Apple at September 7, 2004, 8:37 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

If you use Mac OS X as you're primary computer, and as a web designer, you'd like to test drive your websites without having to upload files via FTP repeatedly, then you might benefit from setting up your machine as a staging server to host multiple websites.

A nice post from Nate at Web-Graphics with a few links and tips on how to setup a staging server with your OSX system. It's a great way to quickly preview sites you are working on without having to upload them to a live server somewhere.

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Feng Shui Motherboard Forever Geekby derek on Entertainment at September 6, 2004, 12:55 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Beijing, China - Fengtek released their first motherboard based on the ancient Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui. Many interior designers use the principles of Feng Shui to arrange furniture in rooms, so the areas have positive energy. Fengtek is the first company to move these principles to motherboard design.


Reviewers at several websites were unable to get the motherboard to power up in any configuration. Fengtek technical support said this would allow more time for meditation.

I'm sure this will be a huge seller in China! It'll probably start a Feng Shui revolution in the computer industry. Feng Shui approved sound cards and graphics cards can't be too far away!

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Battle Royale Forever Geekby reia on Entertainment at September 6, 2004, 5:24 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

What do you get when you mix 1984 with Lord of the Flies and plunk it into an alternate universe of contemporary Japan?

You get Battle Royale -- a controversial pulp hit that made the book a runaway best-seller in Japan, and spawned not one, but two films, plus a manga series.

Quentin Tarantino's latest movie offering, Kill Bill, was littered with Battle Royale references--most notably, the casting (Gogo Yubari, played by Chiaki Kuriyama was in Battle Royale I, while Sonny Chiba who played Hattori Hanzo [the name also a reference to Battle Royale] was in Battle Royale II).

In short, the story is about a randomly selected class of Jr. high kids that gets put into a government "Program" where they are taken and put into an isolated island or location and are forced to kill each other, until one survivor is left.

The books, movies, mangas, as well as the translations for all three each have differing viewpoints to every aspect of the Battle Royale storyline.

It's a sensational and violent story, but one that has deeper emotional and psychological touches. I urge you to check it out!

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Atari's Junk is Another Man's Treasure Forever Geekby derek on Games at September 6, 2004, 1:49 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

The history of Atari from 1972 through 1984 is littered with rumors and outlandish tales of Atari crushing, burying and outright destroying massive amounts of perfectly good technology. Why??? Well, apparently Atari was faced on many occasions with problems such as over-production, overstocking, space restraints, massive returns and other odd reasons.

The article mentions tales and rumors of ROM chips being poured into cement foundations, overstock being smashed by tractor trailers before being taken to dumpsters, and thousands upon thousands of unwanted trackballs being sold for a couple hundred dollars.

Check out the rest of the Atari Museum for all kinds of interesting Atari related info. The site is very lovingly put together, and has enough information to keep you occupied for quite a while.

Thanks for the tip, Andrew.

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take me for a ride in your car car, take me for a ride in your car car
paul ford takes libxml2 to a whole new level
that's four minutes of my life i'll never get back
i used it as a glorified cvs once, because nobody understood it and the company wouldn't pay for training
apparently libxml2 has always been able to do this
atom over jabber dive into mark b-links(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

it's coming
people are strange
i didn't know there were other search engines
ie objectifier dive into mark b-links(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

elegant hack
don't laugh, there are serious tax advantages
no changes for developers
cryptographers assume there's more where that came from
"Now, I am blessed with a rotten attitude..."
Dilbert for 31 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 30 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

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Dilbert for 26 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

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Dilbert for 24 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 23 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 22 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 21 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 20 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 19 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 18 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 17 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 16 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 15 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 14 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 13 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 12 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 11 Aug 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

As some of you know, I work for ZAAZ here in Seattle, Washington. ZAAZ is a pioneer in the use of web analytics to improve site performance. I bring this up because we are currently looking to expand our team with an experienced Web Analytics Consultant to serve as the primary contact for client engagements with client satisfaction being a key performance measure. Consultant is expected to help grow scope and depth of client work over time. Required skills: proactive, detail oriented, individual with strong oral and written communication (including presentation) abilities, excellent time management and analytical/problem solving skills. The ideal candidate has a direct marketing or business background (MBA preferred), experience with web strategy and is proficient with data analysis. Candidate would have experience with WebTrends, Omniture and/or other web analytics tools and statistics. This is a full-time, on-site, permanent position. See the Web Analytics Consultant job posting for more details.
I am often asked about how to resolve design issues with home pages that are too busy. There have been a few articles here that hit on the topic of drawing the eye using desing (see Rule of Three), but it's good to know that someone has done a full study on where the eye goes. [from Nate's Notes]
In this week's issue of Digital Web Magazine Alex Barnett writes a great case study about a Microsoft UK project which used basic user-centered design methodologies to overcome some of the hurdles with developing a site for wide audience. This case study is very timely for some of the projects I am working on and I am sure you will find the learnings to be just as valuable. That's all for this week, we will see you next week with more great articles.
One would generally think that maybe no one ever read Inspiration vs. Theft or that no one ever cared about where the fine line is drawn or if they crossed it... much less understand simple copyright laws or the words "All Rights Reserved" and what they actually entail. And never mind that there is a whole site dedicated to showcasing design theft. Why do I bring this up? Well, because today marks the 148th attempt at design theft of a Digital Web Magazine design. Here are a few rules of thumb:
  1. Always ask first, never take.
  2. Don't ever think you will go unnoticed, even on the Web.
  3. Read the site's copyright statement and/or policy first.
  4. See rule one above.
  5. Re-read rule one above.

If you feel none of these rules apply to you and you are going to take someone's web design, hire a good lawyer.

It looks like Peter Morville has been doing quite a bit of Information Architecture Research. He provides quite a few good points and several links to good studies. I do think one thing that is not fully explored here is the idea of finding out if what we are architecting is actually working. This can be done on a qualitative level through the practice of usability (focus groups, user surveys, usability testing, etc.) and on a quantitative level through web analytics (baseline studies, path analysis, conversion studies, etc.). In short it is important to know and understand that IA doesn't live in it's own black box, that we must rely on a variety of expertise to support our decisions and direction.
Derek Featherstone has published another great piece of insight entitled Three Things I've Learned About Blogging. I can say for certain most of his assumptions are accurate... there is a sort of pulse to the blogging community and things slow down on the weekend and a heart attack hits on Mondays. For the independent web community (yes, we're talking ezines here, not blogs) it is a bit different. Looking at it on a weekly level reveals that Tuesdays (or early Wednesdays) are the day of choice for publishing new material. This is part of the reason we publish Digital Web Magazine on Wednesday nights... sometimes late at night (midnight or so)... depending on our schedule that day. The nice thing about the independent web community is that we tend to be very aware of our sister publications and their schedules and we try to avoid having two zines publish on the same day out of courtesy and respect. We also show the same respect topic wise. For example I often referrer authors of articles that go into great depth on complicated IA techniques to sites like Boxes and Arrows and articles that go into depth on web development from a hands-on perspective to sites like A List Apart. It's always a good idea to find your niche within the web community. How about you, how do you publish within the community? What is your publishing schedule like?
So I read a post about this new standard being formed for text email newsletters. It is designed to increase usability and accessibility of plain text email newsletters. It's called Text Email Newsletter Standard (or TEN for short). I thought it was a worthy cause (hey, anything for improved usability and accessibility) so I looked into the details. After reading through the summary and specs I decided I'd take the last newsletter emailed to the Digital Web Magazine readership and convert it to what it would look like using TEN. Well, I quickly came to the conclusion that while this standard may make the newsletters more usable and accessible to screen readers, it certainly made it far less usable to standard email readers, much less readable to actual people who are reading the emails. Make no mistake, this is a good effort and a worthy cause, but I think the implementation is too far from practical. What are your thoughts on this? [from 456 Berea Street]
So, with all the comments about fixed line-lengths in liquid UIs I have decided to implement a fixed width content area on all article and comment pages on this site. I eventually plan on implementing Svend Tofte's max/min width in Internet Explorer hack to get around some nasty bugs in IE. Firefox will continue to render the page as is. I hope to get both browsers to allow the content text to flex up to 35ems but no more than that. For people running at lower screen resolutions the content will (eventually) be able to scale down to whatever screen size they are using with the exception of any thing smaller than the left column x2 (i.e. PDAs and such) which will be given a different style sheet. All of this is simply to ensure optimal readability (i.e the 4" rule of print). Let me know if the line length on the article pages is to narrow or to wide.
Ok, so I have done some deep researching about "how many is too many" (as far as links and information bits on a page) and I thought I would share some of this with the Digital Web Magazine readership. Most of my research pointed to this paper, The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information by George A. Miller, published in 1956 mind you.

To summarize, "The span of absolute judgment and the span of immediate memory impose severe limitations on the amount of information that we are able to receive, process, and remember." Therefore the number of links or bits of information should be kept below seven.

However, my esteemed colleague, Christina Wodtke, was quick to point out that there is much proof on the contrary to this theory: Web Page Design: Implications of Memory, Structure and Scent for Information Retrieval and The Myth of quot;Seven, Plus or Minus 2", etc. Upon her advice I spoke with Victor Lombardi, known expert in the field of Information Architecture, User Experience and Research. He summarized his findings in this area for me quite nicely:
  1. Breadth vs. depth is the wrong question to ask, it's irrelevant to the user experience
  2. The number of links and density of links is what people experience
  3. Different audiences and applications will want different a different number and density of links
  4. Once you find the number and density (guess + usability testing) you just prioritize information:
    1. some things will fall naturally into taxonomies
    2. some will fall naturally into task-based navigation
    3. the rest is probably all about priority, so as you reach your number and density limit, push lower priority stuff to the next level down

Keith also has some pretty good information on this subject in his article The One Magic Rule of Web Design.

Lou Rosenfeld has a great post about IA Heuristics for Search Systems. I only wish that this was published about a month or so ago, I could really have used it. I think one of the other things that should be covered is understanding the difference of quick search, standard search, and/or advanced search. Nevertheless, this is a good read and worth bookmarking.
Dilbert for 11 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 10 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 09 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 08 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 07 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 06 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 05 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 04 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 03 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 02 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Dilbert for 01 Sep 2023 Dilbert(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

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Eschaton: Mad Magazine -- Bush vs. Jesus
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Free Reads - Science Fiction audio under Creative Commons license
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Z-Index on Positioned Elements CSS Vault Resourceson Positioning at September 3, 2004, 3:33 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

In-depth investigation of the way how various browsers handle z-index on relatively and absolutely positioned elements....
Ruthsarian Layouts CSS Vault Resourceson Layouts at September 2, 2004, 1:59 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Layout templates....
Web Standards Checklist CSS Vault Resourceson Reference Guides at September 2, 2004, 1:58 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Read. Print. Memorize....
Hoverless Current Links sans Titles CSS Vault Resourceson Articles at September 2, 2004, 1:57 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

What it says...
sIFR CSS Vault Resourceson Image Techniques at August 31, 2004, 12:46 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Hopefully the last image replacement technique you will ever need....
CSS Directory CSS Vault Resourceson Reference Guides at August 29, 2004, 8:54 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Lots of links to CSS stuff....
Learning CSS CSS Vault Resourceson Articles at August 9, 2004, 7:59 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

My take on how you should go about learning this CSS thing....
Designing a CSS based template - part V CSS Vault Resourceson Tutorials at August 7, 2004, 12:38 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

In this part of the tutorial we will be implementing our navigation on the left....
Ballet bukkake art porn video from Japan Boing Boingby Xeni Jardin at September 11, 2004, 10:25 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Xeni Jardin: The review of the microniche fetish porn vid "Zenra Ballet 2" on Something Awful is a hoot.
At a Glance: Get out your copybooks, because you can now cross "ballet" off of the "Big List of Things the Japanese Won't Make Porno Out Of". If you are an avid fan of ballet - but, you aren't such an avid fan that you actually have some modicum of respect for the art of ballet dancing - then you are probably the target market for this DVD. It features exciting behind the scenes interviews, some regular and wholesome non-erotic ballet dancing, and then multiple nude and even sex-filled dance sequences. You have not lived until you have seen a Japanese pirate rip a boner out of his leotard and plunge it into the waiting food-hole of a sassy ballerina.

Sexual Content: Heavily mosaic censored dancin' and a prancin'.

hingAwful review, and link to Fleshbot post with more info. (Thanks, Fleshbot, and thanks Super Nice Guy)
To do in SF this weekend: 9/11 Power to the Peaceful, Election Protection Boing Boingby Xeni Jardin at September 11, 2004, 10:14 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Xeni Jardin: General John Perry "Dance Dance Revolution" Barlow says:
My sweet song-writing collaborators and shirt-tail family, The String Cheese Incident, are playing a free concert for peace tomorrow in Golden Gate Park along with Michael Franti (whom I'm convinced is some kind of avatar) and various others. Looks like this:

6th Annual 911 Power to the Peaceful Festival
Saturday September 11, 2023 (11am-5pm)
Speedway Meadow - Golden Gate Park
San Francisco, CA, USA
Featuring Michael Franti and Spearhead, String Cheese Incident Acoustic, Gift of Gab of Blackalicious, John Butler Trio, Xavier Rudd, and Amy Goodman.


And BoingBoing pal Jose Marquez sez, "This 'Election Protection' event might be less bumpin'," but it too is devoted to giving power to the peaceful.

September 11, 2-5 p.m., Yerba Buena Gardens, Mission St. between 3rd and 4th Sts.
Featuring Eva Jefferson Paterson of Equal Justice Society, Ralph Neas and Sharon Lettman Pacheco of the People For the American Way Foundation, and Michael Kieschnick of Working Assets.
Join Working Assets, Mother Jones magazine, People For the American Way Foundation, Lawyers' Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Equal Justice Society, True Majority,, Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, and others to learn about opportunities to help protect voting rights in key states on November 2. Participants in this outdoor rally and training will receive an update on efforts to prevent minority disenfranchisement and intimidation at the polls, challenges posed by computer voting systems and an overview of the key states where voting rights are at greatest risk.
Link to event website.

Yahoo introducing consumer electronics line? Boing Boingby Xeni Jardin at September 11, 2004, 9:50 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Xeni Jardin: Engadget posts word of a rumored new line of consumer electronics -- from Yahoo. An official launch announcement is said to be due within the next two weeks. This could also be nothing more than someone with a good imagination and functional Photoshop skills.
The initial line up is supposedly a portable DVD player, two LCD televisions, and a home theater in a box system. Like most of these kinds of releases (assuming this is for real), they're really just slapping their logo on products built by somebody else (in this case, it's supposedly Diamond Electronics). This is either a really big deal or someone just went to a lot of trouble to try and dupe us -- regardless, everything looked like it checked out, and it was too good to not pass along. Make sure you click to see pics and product descriptions.
Link to Engadget post with photos.
Rowboat Veterans for Truth Boing Boingby Xeni Jardin at September 11, 2004, 9:11 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Xeni Jardin: Snipped from the site:
" Rowboat Vets for Truth is here to share the real story, to correct the misleading use of our images, against our will, in paintings, woodcuts and pamphlets across the colonies.

The Rowboat Vets for Truth will counter the outrageous claims made by Mr. Washington and the liberal printing presses in Boston and Philadelphia.

We speak from personal experience - our group includes men who served beside Washington in combat against unarmed Germans on Christmas night, 1776. Though we come from different backgrounds, shoe menders, haberdashers, stable boys, candle holders to the wealthy. etc., and hold varying political opinions, we agree on one thing: George Washington lacks the potential to lead."

Award-winning sf as CC-licensed audiobooks Boing Boingby Cory Doctorow at September 11, 2004, 7:10 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Cory Doctorow: Hugo-award-winning author James Patrick Kelly's "Free Reads" site is a place where he posts Creative-Commons-licensed studio recordings of him reading his works. He's a fantastic reader, and an even better writer, and he made enough off his tipjar the last time around to go into the studio and record three more:
"Faith" first published in Asimov's Science Fiction, June 1989. Time:59:25, File Size 27.86 MB.

"The Best Christmas Ever" first published in SciFiction, May, 2004. Time:39:38, File Size 19.03 MB.

"Serpent" first published in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, May 2004. Time:22:53, File Size 10.74 MB.

Mad Magazine: Bush Vs Jesus Boing Boingby Mark Frauenfelder at September 11, 2004, 5:22 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Mark Frauenfelder: jesusbushThom sez: Atrius has a copy of a funny and insightful Mad Magazine parody of a TV commercial Bush would air if he were running against Jesus. Bottom line: "Jesus wrong on social services. Wrong on crime. Wrong on defense. Wrong for America." Link
Shakespeare quartos in high-rez scans Boing Boingby Cory Doctorow at September 11, 2004, 5:19 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Cory Doctorow: The British Library has digitised its collection of Shakespeare quartos and made them available as a series of lavish scans. They've posted 93 quartos of 23 plays, so you can see how the text changed over time. Link (via Raelity Bytes)
Narratologists versus Ludologists: battle of the games-academics Boing Boingby Cory Doctorow at September 11, 2004, 4:48 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Cory Doctorow: Over on Terra Nova, academic Timothy Burke has posted a fascinating state-of-the-nation report on the fight between "narratologists" (who argue that the value of games is best understood by treating them as stories) and "ludologists" (who argue that the value is best understoof by analyzing games as a form of play). This is a new discipline a-borning, and its paradigm is being framed before our eyes:
In the context of games criticism, this tendency might lead to a narratologist placing enormous interpretative weight on the fact that most first-person shooters are structured by conflicts between the player’s avatar and small groups of three to six enemies, seeing this as a narrative choice that has authorial intent behind it, that can be related to various similar kinds of narratives in other media (e.g., the ur-narrative of Die Hard or Rambo or James Bond films, the narrative pacing of action films where the uber-masculine hero crushes small packs of slightly-less-manly bad guys). The problem is that the narratological kinship between Die Hard and first-person-shooters is a much more complicated matter in its actual historical evolution. If anything, when first-person-shooters first appeared with narratological structure that resembled the narrative of action films, to some extent that content was a superficial add-on rather than a deep structure of gameplay, a kind of narratological “skin”. The original Doom is a very good example of this pattern. The deep structure of the game (single player avatar versus distributed clusters of enemies) was, before anything else, a technical requirement dictated by the number of enemies it was then possible to have on the screen. This continues to be the case even though computers have much more processing power because the enemies have become much more graphically demanding.
Good hypnotic subjects' brains are different Boing Boingby Cory Doctorow at September 11, 2004, 4:40 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Cory Doctorow: I've been practicing self-hypnosis since I was a kid, and as an adult, hypnosis helped me overcome a five-year bout of writers' block, get rid of lifelong chronic back-pain, and painlessly kick an 18-year-old smoking habit. For all that, I know precious little of how hypnosis works -- it just works (for me, at least).

Now the New Scientist reports that functional MRI scans of the brains of regular practitioners of hypnosis reveals physiological differences from those who are not susceptible to hypnosis.

But under hypnosis, Gruzelier found that the highly susceptible subjects showed significantly more brain activity in the anterior cingulate gyrus than the weakly susceptible subjects. This area of the brain has been shown to respond to errors and evaluate emotional outcomes.

The highly susceptible group also showed much greater brain activity on the left side of the prefrontal cortex than the weakly susceptible group. This is an area involved with higher level cognitive processing and behaviour.

Virtual schizophrenia comes to Second Life Boing Boingby Cory Doctorow at September 11, 2004, 4:29 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Cory Doctorow: Wagner James Au sez, "A medical doctor/computer programmer recently built a simulation of visual and aural hallucinations in Second Life, based on the descriptions of real schizophrenics. In other words, it's a virtual, first-person recreation of the illness, and the potential applications (therapeutic, neurological, social, etc.) are pretty exciting. Also eerie, disturbing, and likely to disturb your sleep for a day or two afterward." Link (Thanks, James!)
Old Atari games being licensed for slot machines Boing Boingby Xeni Jardin at September 11, 2004, 3:36 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Xeni Jardin: Vegas, baby. BoingBoing reader Clive says, "Atari has signed a deal to produce a series of casino slot machines based on their early arcade classics -- including Pong, Asteroids, and Centipede." Link to Atari press release.
What's on your "To Don't" list? Boing Boingby Mark Frauenfelder at September 11, 2004, 3:12 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Mark Frauenfelder: Management guru Tom Peters has written something called "60 Tom's TIB," (This I Believe) available for download as a PDF. On his Brianstorms Weblog, Brian Dear highlights this interesting excerpt about prioritizing from the Peters document:
I once watched a highly energetic chief ripped asunder by a senior member of his board. “Richard,” the determined board member almost shouted, “you are smart, energetic, creative to a fault, perhaps even a genius. But much of your 'genius' is dissipated because you apply it to ten different things at a time, albeit with great skill.

“Let me tell you what you need,” he concluded. “A 'to don't' list.”

I don't know about “Richard,” but for me that was a profound moment. Fact No. 1: We all have 50 genuine priorities. Fact No. 2: If we get even two Big Things Done in a six-year tenure on the current job, we will have had a...Great Ride. Axiom No. 1: Therefore, what we choose not to do (the sole subject of that “To Don't” list) is at least as important, or more important, as what we choose to do.

And, finally, effective “To Don't-ing” is far, far more difficult than effective “To Do-ing.”

Unofficial Apple Weblog is looking for a couple of bloggers Boing Boingby Mark Frauenfelder at September 11, 2004, 2:52 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Mark Frauenfelder: Our friend Jason Calacanis, head of Weblogs, Inc., wants to hire two bloggers to fill the vacancies at the wonderful Unofficial Apple Weblog. Link
Skull and Bones Club expose on BBC Boing Boingby Mark Frauenfelder at September 11, 2004, 2:42 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Mark Frauenfelder: Matthew sez: "Last night, BBC Radio 4 aired a fascinating programme about Yale's ultra-secretive Skull and Bones club. Both George W and John Kerry are members of the club and the programme suggests it has a wide-ranging influence in American life. Direct link to the RealPlayer stream of the show, which should be available for seven days.
Kaiju Monsters Invade Hollywood Boing Boingby Xeni Jardin at September 11, 2004, 2:40 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Xeni Jardin: In today's Wired News, a photo-report I filed from Wednesday night's Kaiju Big Battel performance in Hollywood. At left, a snapshot I took of a space insect monster dude creature whose name escapes me.
Despite the fact that combatants may look like costumed humans, event organizers maintain they're real, and warn of the danger posed to mankind by the growing threat of city-crushing beasts.

"There is an abundance of empirical evidence that the threat posed by monsters is serious and far-reaching," Kaiju Big Battel referee Jinji told Wired News. "A number of great documentaries like Godzilla have reported these historic facts in great detail. Our world leaders would be wise to pay closer attention to this under-recognized menace." (...)

Featured villains and heroes included Dr. Cube, a sinister plastic surgeon who boasts of an "unstoppable malpractice technique"; an inebriated Hell Monkey wielding a large bottle of primordial booze; a pair of freedom-fighting plantains from Central America who toted color-coordinated AK-47s; and garbage-can-dwelling Gomi-man, who spewed a rain of fetid sludge on human observers.

port and photos at Wired News: "Kaiju Monsters Invade Hollywood," Link to previous Wired News story "Monster Mashes Attract Big Masses."

See also: Link to Jason DeFillippo's superb photos of the event. This one's my favorite. And BoingBoing reader Teresa Ortega says, "I went to Kaiju Big Battel in Los Angeles based on Xeni's post and did a write-up at my site." Link

Ernie Ball (RIP) Boing Boingby David Pescovitz at September 11, 2004, 1:47 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

David Pescovitz: stringsIt's a sad week in music instrument history. First, the death of Donald Leslie. And yesterday, pioneer guitar string maker Ernie Ball gave up the ghost at just 74. Ernie Ball's strings are as ubiquitous in rock and roll as Fender guitars. According to the Associated Press, Ball developed his first strings in 1962 after "complaints from customers (at his guitar shop) that they couldn't find lighter-gauge, flexible strings for their rock 'n' roll instruments." Shortly after, the Slinkys were born. And, well, the guitar solo has never been the same. Link (Thanks, Vann)
NES-based PC mod Boing Boingby Cory Doctorow at September 11, 2004, 12:36 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Cory Doctorow: Here's an excellent HOWTO for retrofitting a PC into Nintendo Entertainment System. Link (via Engadget)
Eisner's resignation letter Boing Boingby Cory Doctorow at September 11, 2004, 12:30 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Cory Doctorow: Here's the text of Eisner's letter announcing his intention to resign from Disney in 2006.
We are different from companies not in the entertainment field. We are a creative company, and as a result, we are so much more. We must consider, develop, discard and reconsider, literally masses of ideas each day, based on few inexact criteria, using experience, talent, judgment, instinct, and hope as our guides along with our education and experience and sense of fiscal responsibility. This is a complicated and risky process, unlike the manufacture and sale of a single or related line of product. We are judged by definitive standards. But it is the creative that pushes to new heights that which can be measured, that which has lasting value to our culture and company.

I believe we have learned who we are, and who we are not; what we do best, and what we don't. Of course, that does not mean we stagnate into a museum or play safe. It just means we play smart. There are so many opportunities available to utilize our core assets, our brands and capabilities around the world. We must be completely informed and involved in the future, in new technologies that can help us maintain our leadership in creating and distributing and protecting our content. We must be prudent entrepreneurs and pragmatic capitalists. We must not forget that we are always singing and dancing "for our supper."

The Disney Blog)
World's tallest cylindrical aquarium Boing Boingby Cory Doctorow at September 11, 2004, 12:24 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Cory Doctorow: The Aquadom is the world's largest cylindrical aquarium. It's in the lobby of a multi-use development, stretching 5 storeys up, with a glass elevator down the middle of it. Link (Thanks, kokogiak!)
Michael Eisner quits Boing Boingby Cory Doctorow at September 10, 2004, 10:32 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Cory Doctorow: Michael Eisner has announced that he's quitting as CEO of Disney when his contract runs out in 2006.
Eisner recently told Walt Disney directors that company president Robert Iger would be a good successor, the Los Angeles Times reported. Iger, whose contract expires in September 2005, has recently met with investors and executives and told the Times he would like the top job.
Link (via The Disney Blog)
Filmnerds' guerrilla Toronto Film Festival blog Boing Boingby Cory Doctorow at September 10, 2004, 10:03 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Cory Doctorow: Rich sez,
We're 4 Toronto nerds, we're attending the 2004 Toronto International Film Festival, we're blogging our reviews.

We don't get media passes, we don't go to press conferences or release parties or even the suit-and-tie gala screenings. We pick movies we think we'll like, count ourselves lucky if we get tickets, then line up on the sidewalk to try to get a good seat. Then we write honest nerd's-eye reviews.

nks, Rich!)
Lab Notes from UC Berkeley Boing Boingby David Pescovitz at September 10, 2004, 6:15 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

David Pescovitz: In this month's of Lab Notes from UC Berkeley Engineering, I look at:
pisano_index*Sniffing Out Airborne Diseases: integrating human cells and microfluidics to detect pathogens in the air

*Wireless Ways to Go Green: the environmental impact of reading the news online

*Protecting Planes with Fabric: testing next-generation ballistic cloth

* The Invention of Virtual Cinematography: the key to The Matrix's "bulllet-time" sequence
Donald Leslie, RIP Boing Boingby David Pescovitz at September 10, 2004, 6:02 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

David Pescovitz: BB mourns the passing of Donald James Leslie, the inventor of the Leslie Rotating Speaker that provided the Hammond organ with its signature sound. The "Leslie" speaker spins inside its cabinet at a constant speed around a fixed point, providing an unmistakable Doppler effect. From the Associated Press obituary:
leslieLeslie was captivated with the sound of the Hammond organ when he heard it at a Barker Bros. furniture store in downtown Los Angeles, where he worked repairing radios. In the store's large showroom, the organ introduced in 1935 sounded much like a theater or church pipe organ. However, Leslie, was unimpressed with the organ's sound quality in the confined spaces of his home. He began tinkering with devices to make the instrument sound more like labyrinthine pipe organs, using mechanics and electronics experience he gathered from a series of jobs, including one at the Naval Research Laboratories in Washington, D.C., during World War II.
Donald Leslie was 93. Link (Thanks, Vann)
Xeni Flies Zero-G Boing Boingby Xeni Jardin at September 10, 2004, 3:50 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Xeni Jardin: Next week, on Wednesday September 15, I'm going on a zero-gravity flight about 32,000 feet above earth.

The company operating this flight is ZERO-G, whose founder Peter Diamandis is also the man behind the Ansari X-Prize competition. I invited Dr. Diamandis to speak at Wired Magazine's NextFest earlier this year, met him there, and learned he'd been working on this program for more than ten years.

The flight I'm taking next week (for NPR and Wired News) is part of ZERO-G's five-city media launch. Soon, they'll begin a commercial service on specially-equipped Boeing 727-200s. For about $3,000 US, passengers will be able to experience about 20 doses of parabolic weightlessness during a 90-minute trip.

Nothing like this has ever been offered to American consumers before. ZERO-G is the only company with FAA approval to conduct weightless flights for the public within the US.

NASA operates flights similar to this for training astronauts (Link), but not to the public. Space Adventures -- the company that made space tourists out of Dennis Tito and Mark Shuttleworth (and, almost, N'Sync's Lance Bass) -- sells "vomit comet" flight experiences to paying passengers, but they cost closer to $10K and depart from a remote location in Russia. The combined costs of the flight, the prep, and getting to the departure site add up to a hefty five-figure sum. With the launch of this new service in the US, zero-G above the earth will now only cost a few G.

I've never done anything like this before. What will weightlessness feel like? A rollercoaster? Or floating in water, but without the water? When I was little, I used to have lots of recurring dreams about flying -- the dream-sensation of weightlessness felt so vivid, once I half-woke-up and sleep-jumped right off a flight of stairs. How is it that our bodies already know what zero-g feels like? Are we remembering what it felt like to float in utero? That waking dream of flight and floating -- it's something each of us physically understand. I'm looking forward to feeling the real thing.

My grandfather was an amateur astronomer. He taught me a lot of things about stars and space when I was a kid. He was there, downstairs in the living room, when I realized I couldn't fly that day -- about halfway down the stairs. He picked me up, held me in his arms, wiped my tears, and probably had to work really hard at not laughing.

Later, after lots of band-aids and kleenex, he explained what gravity was. I remember feeling really sad and crying all over again when he told me, "Honey, people just can't float like that." I wish he could still be here now, and float with me next Wednesday.

Jason DeFillippo's Kaiju Big Battel photos from last night's Hollywood show Boing Boingby Xeni Jardin at September 10, 2004, 2:40 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Xeni Jardin: Blogger and photogger Jason DeFillippo joined me at the Kaiju Big Battel event last night, held at the Avalon in Hollywood. I was covering the event for NPR's "Day to Day," and for Wired News (links to those reports to follow as soon as they're online). Jason took some amazing photos, as usual -- I always love his stuff. The monster shots rock, but here I'm posting a snapshot he took (link to fullsize) of me interviewing Kitty Bukkake, the now LA-based blogger who lived a former life in Boston as the Kaiju monster Dino Kang Senior (here's a link to his offspring, Dino Kang Junior). She still works with Kaiju Big Battel, and was filming last night's mayhem for the group. I'm not sure how a murdered monster manages to be reborn as a drop-dead-hot blogger babe with washboard abs, but those things happen in Hollywood.

Link to Jason's photo gallery.

Lonely Island: wack-ass online shorts and mp3s Boing Boingby Xeni Jardin at September 10, 2004, 2:15 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Xeni Jardin: Last week in LA, I went to a Channel 101 screening -- monthly events where a edgy creatives show short films before a live audience, who in turn vote the work on or off the proverbial viewing island. The project isn't a cable TV show yet, but it ought to be. I understand they recently shot a cable pilot for FX, so perhaps it will.

One of the teams who participate regularly in the Channel 101 showdowns is The Lonely Island, and they've just posted a bunch of their work online. It's terrific stuff. One of their pieces, which screened at last week's event, is a dry, deadpan music video performed by two guys, called, uh, "Just 2 Guyz." (MPEG-4 Link, MPEG-1 Link, 2 min.). I loved their "Nintendo" animated short, too (MPEG / Quicktime, 3 min.)

Episodes of the Lonely Island short series The 'Bu are here (Link), with Sarah Chalke of Scrubs and Roseanne fame. Other celeb links -- Brooke Shields has a 5-minute bit in the begining of Episode 2: Regarding Ardy. (Link). Kal Penn (of Harold and Kumar and Gilmore Girls) plays Fred in Episode 2. A source close to the project says, "Kiefer Sutherland interrupted the filming of episode 1, then told all sorts of fanciful embellishments about it on Leno and Letterman. (Link)."

Link to The Lonely Island, and Link to the Channel 101 site where you'll find more online shorts.

Population Explosion! ClickZ Stats(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

ClickZ Stats has updated its list of the global online populations, with some new figures for the number of Internet Users, Active Internet Users, and other data.
The top 10 affiliate programs of August 2004, as ranked by Refer-it.
The multibillion dollar industry grows up amidst advertising revenue and an influx of new players.
Second only to the end-of-year holiday season, back-to-school earns big bucks for retailers.
Workplace IM Showing Growth ClickZ Stats(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Usage is likely curtailed by security concerns, along with split opinions as to whether the application actually inspires collaboration.
E-commerce rang up a sales surge in the second quarter, increasing 23.1 percent over the previous year.
Instant message users are all thumbs, as mobile usage grows.
The at-home global active Internet universe for 12 selected countries grew by nearly 1 percentage point to roughly 292 million users.
Web Server Statistics Page ClickZ Stats(cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Jupitermedia's ServerWatch reports on surveys that examine the number and types of servers being used to power the Internet. Check the results of the monthly surveys right here.
The Internet has become an indispensable resource for many Americans, but some activities are better suited for the offline world.
Vegas chic: Fabulous Nowhere t-shirts Boing Boingby Xeni Jardin at September 12, 2004, 2:12 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Xeni Jardin: Screenwriter/Director/bon vivant Lloyd Fonvielle recently relocated from New York to Las Vegas, and teamed up with NYC-based graphic artist John Sosnovsky to create "the Official Nowhere T-Shirt, available only through the end of this year. Says Lloyd, "Someday owning one of these shirts will be your only way of proving that you were on the road to Nowhere before the rest of the world caught on. Be sure to buy some extras to keep in mint condition for sale on eBay in years to come, when they will undoubtedly become passionately coveted big ticket items!" Link, and link to Lloyd's Fabulous Nowhere blog.
Grouper - simple private network Boing Boingby Mark Frauenfelder at September 12, 2004, 1:41 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Mark Frauenfelder: Cliff sez: There's a new software shop here in Mill Valley, of all places. They've made a pretty cool little "virtual private network for the rest of us" ... called Grouper and here's a bit about it:

Current release version is in beta. Runs only on Win2000 and XP. Requires broadband.

With the client installed, you can create groups of up to 30 members and invite people to join them. The invitation includes the client.

Each peer can choose to share selected files. The client includes group chat and 1-to-1 IM.

You can download all but MP3s. Those you can only stream. I know that will be a point of contention, but it's not meant primarily to be a source of free music. I think it's more for groups of friends, family, classmates, associates who share photos and other large files. Link

Japanese cosplay scene photos Boing Boingby Mark Frauenfelder at September 12, 2004, 1:19 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Mark Frauenfelder: sadrobotFunder sez: "MasaManiA describes itself as 'Japanese culture report by MasaManiA with fucking photo & poor English you never seen at boring CNN, Time or major sophisticated jurnalism.' In this entry, he visits a cosplay convention and shows some of the costumes/performers that were rejected by the organizers. The first picture - a sad, rejected robot - sums up everything that is pitiful and sad and surreal and totally hysterical in the world. Hope you like it! "Link
Paris underground cinema, part 2 Boing Boingby David Pescovitz at September 11, 2004, 7:20 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

David Pescovitz: The secret society behind the subterranean cinema recently discovered by police in Paris have come forward. According to a Guardian article, the mission of the group, called La Mexicaine de la Perforation, is to "reclaim and transform disused city spaces for the creation of zones of expression for free and independent art."
"There are so many underground networks - the quarries, the metro, the collective heating, the electricity, the sewers - and each is the responsibility of a different bureaucracy... Urban explorers are the only people who, between us, know it all. We move between each network. We know where they link up - often, it's us who made the link. The authorities, the police, town hall, they don't know a hundredth, a thousandth, of what's down there."

Hair Show - Trailer A

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Alex says: I doubt anyone would have predicted this seven years ago, but what is with the boom in "hair films." Whether they're in Great Britain or in Los Angeles, hair films ultimately are about the same thing, the super duper hair design showdown. And the only winner is the right cut that can only happen once in a lifetime. This trailer rushes through the entire movie and tells you all that you need to know. The only people likely to get a laugh at this cut hair or obsess about their hair. The only enjoyable moment in this trailer is the bass line at the 1:17 mark. Before and after that section, this trailer is just a pain.
Score: 5 out of 20

"Hates To Drink. Only In America Could A Guy Like Him Even Find Work"

This wedding video of George W. Bush in 1992, has been widely circulated. But, in light of what we now know about his cocaine use long after he claimed that he had quit drinking, shouldn't we take another look at it?

I realize that this doesn't prove anything in and of itself, but knowing what we know about his illegal use of drugs on government property well into the 90's and his inadequately explained facial scrapes and bruises during the past three years, it's long past time that somebody asked the question:

Shouldn't the president came clean with the American people about his ongoing drinking problem?

The Nose Knows

I had seen this video before, but until now I didn't realize how significant it was. Nose "issues" are a common problem for those who snort a lot of cocaine. This video was taken while Bush was owner of the Texas Rangers which means that Bush would have been in his mid-forties.

I realize that this is not proof that Bush was using cocaine well into the 90's. But, it does raise serious questions in light of what we already know.

Isn't it time for the president to come clean and tell the American people if he is still using illegal drugs?

Xeni Jardin: Last week in LA, I went to a Channel 101 screening -- monthly events where a edgy creatives show short films before a live audience, who in turn vote the work on or off the proverbial viewing island. The project isn't a cable TV show yet, but it ought to be. I understand they recently shot a cable pilot for FX, so perhaps it will.

One of the teams who participate regularly in the Channel 101 showdowns is The Lonely Island, and they've just posted a bunch of their work online. It's terrific stuff. One of their pieces, which screened at last week's event, is a dry, deadpan music video performed by two guys, called, uh, "Just 2 Guyz." (MPEG-4 Link, MPEG-1 Link, 2 min.). I loved their "Nintendo" animated short, too (MPEG / Quicktime, 3 min.)

Episodes of the Lonely Island short series The 'Bu are here (Link), with Sarah Chalke of Scrubs and Roseanne fame. Other celeb links -- Brooke Shields has a 5-minute bit in the begining of Episode 2: Regarding Ardy. (Link). Kal Penn (of Harold and Kumar and Gilmore Girls) plays Fred in Episode 2. A source close to the project says, "Kiefer Sutherland interrupted the filming of episode 1, then told all sorts of fanciful embellishments about it on Leno and Letterman. (Link)."

Link to The Lonely Island, and Link to the Channel 101 site where you'll find more online shorts.

There are these water massagers in the mall. Had to check it out.
$12 for 10 mins. Too claustrophobic for me, but curious. I guess it gets pretty hot in there since it's all plastic. Wouldn't want to do it for longer than about that.

I the future, hip young adults will comb the internet archives for glimpses from the past.
This is one of the videos they will cherish.
Because it shows a little piece of this world at a specific time.
You get the feeling of another time.
It's a little masterpiece. Crafted and precise.

Being Julia - Trailer A

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Alex says: This is a very different kind of trailer than I am used to seeing. It is less cinematic than usual and focuses on being much like a play. While I always enjoy seeing new approaches to trailermaking, I didn't enjoy this trailer. Annette Bening is an excellent screamer, but I wasn't buying into her performance here. Perhaps it just came across as annoying in this short format, but I really don't think that I could sit through this for two hours. The text and the music were above average, but not so great so as to save the actual movie.
Score: 7 out of 20
iam shatner doing Pulp's "common people".

Oh dear god, the hilarity!

Of course you need speakers for this one!
The Texans for Truth has become the hot political web log. They have released a 30 second commercial about how Bush faked his military serviced records. You can view it in quicktime or in windows media. For those without broadband visit the site for other speeds. Aaron Brown also featured this story on his excellent CNN Newsnight. He interviewed Walter Robinson, editor of the Boston Globe who wrote a story along with a team of reporters: "Bush fell short on duty at Guard Records show pledges unmet."

Evergreen - Trailer A

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Alex says: Another contender for worst voiceover of the year, this trailer makes a good-looking movie feel very cheap and unqualified for an actual theatrical release. If you have the actual ability to rehearse, film, and edit a full length movie, then you have the ability to construct a worthy trailer. Failing to do so disrespects the art that you are trying to market. I really feel that this trailer wasted a lot of potential.
Score: 7 out of 20

It's been a rotten couple of days for Bush. Dan Froomkin lays it out in the Wednesday September 8 WaPo White House Briefing (no permalinks). Bush managed to get hit with several new pieces of information about his National Guard service, a record deficit, Bob Graham's charges that the Saudis funded some of the September 11 hijackers and the Republicans covered it up, the tragic 1000 KIA milestone in Iraq and Kitty Kelly's allegations of past drug use all the same time.

So it's a convenient time for the so-called Texans for Truth to release their "AWOL" ad that "swift boats" Bush. and puts more heat on the "AWOL" charges.

Is turnabout fair play?

The ad itself is not very inflammatory and nowhere near as slimy as the SBVT. It doesn't contradict official military records and dozens of other witnesses, for one thing. Of course, that's because no one remembers serving with Bush in the Alabama Air National Guard...which is, after all, the point. Nevertheless, look to this ad to be portrayed by the "he said/she said" media as the Democratic counterpart to the Swifties' bile. looked into "AWOL" and found that the group was founded by Democratic partisans (big surprise).

Watch "AWOL" (Quicktime, WMV).

Read below for the transcript.

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After lunch, John Hedberg and I took our hour and twenty minutes on the main stage. John?s message of matching engaging pedagogy with appropriate technology dovetailed with my theme of informal learning.

I contend that the measure of quality education is not so much what happens at school but rather the success of the graduate in life after school. In today?s turbulent environment, that means recognizing informal learning and tools such as blogs and wikis, and learning how to use them.

The next morning, Intel?s Martin Curley gave a great presentation on state-of-eLearning before joining Drs. Hedberg, Bonk, and myself for a ninety-minute panel session (left) on ?Global Approaches to Blended Learning? which covered not only blending but also change management, the need for connections with the world outside of school, and follow-up to all of our prior presentations.

In answer to a question about wikis, I called up Wikipedia and found no entry for ?Blended Learning.? As our panel explained what Blended Learning meant to them, I created a page on the topic in Wikipedia. (As if to demonstrate wiki behavior, two days later my post was trivialized into nonsense.)

Following lunch, I led a workshop on blogs and wikis. In the panel session, a teacher had come up with a laundry list of why blended learning wouldn?t work. There wasn?t time and the administration didn?t trust online work. In the workshop, doers replaced naysayers; several participants intend to put blogging to use immediately to teach writing English at both the elementary and undergraduate levels.

The beautiful facilities of the Higher College of Technology

>Dr. Tayeb Kamali

QuickTime video of speakers chatting at the Rotana Beach. 6 MB. Not worth it unless you're in the picture.

Genesis Crash

To CNN, the Genesis Mission's name comes with an adjective:

Instead of the smooth midair retrieval NASA expected, the $264 million Genesis mission to study the solar wind ended in a crater in the Utah desert Wednesday.

With losses come measures, and of all those available, none is easier than money. Or, too often, more misleading.

How about not measuring the loss at all? How about respecting the instructive powers of failure?

Great mysteries persist, along with the will to solve them. If Genesis failed today, it was only at subtracting from the immeasurable sum of what we don't know. It also subtracted nothing from what we'll never know.

I'm betting, by the way, that the mission will be at least a partial success. I mean, look at that picture, above. The mother is remarkably intact considering that it fell from space. We may be lucky the probe landed in the dried mud of a salt lake bed, and not on a rocky surface. (Here's the video.) Watch this page for the mission's own reports on the matter.

putting out the theory that Karl Rove did it .. Read article
track this site | 4 links

summarizes the Democratic Party's recent message .. CBS falls for Kerry campaign's fake memo .. not a native of Austria .. Mark Steyn nails it .. Steyn: Hypocrisy .. the whole thing .. hilarious piece .. has a go at CNN .. Review
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musty charges that George W. Bush went AWOL during his Vietnam Era service .. More details over at Instapundit .. long-since dried up well .. a lot of details .. Blogfather .. rage
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track this site | 4 links

viejo vecindario .. la publicacin .. ac
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address the issues
track this site | 4 links

"How many times have you been arrested, Mr. President?" .. se lleva un poco m¡s de $1,000 dlares .. World's Shortest Blog .. "One Simple Question" .. an easy question .. A good question .. arrested,
track this site | 8 links

expensive new typeweriters
track this site | 8 links

Michael Chu
track this site | 8 links

Dan Rather, who remains in total denial .. CBS News stands by its story, .. an interview with Rather .. has responded .. Drudge .. behind
track this site | 8 links

Gary Farber has details .. He typed .. Amygdala .. ...more
track this site | 7 links

dit van de British Library .. versions they published .. Shakespeare in Quarto .. aye, there's the point .. Obvious Forgeries .. project
track this site | 7 links

not in a way that only experts could tell .. Power Line: The sixty-first minute .. More details over at Powerline .. are forgeries .. these idiots .. Hinderaker .. forgeries .. PowerLine .. another .. fakes .. blog
track this site | 7 links

standing by their Dan .. he told 60 Minutes .. big story
track this site | 7 links

culprit has been exposed .. merciless taunting .. another good one .. Bill Gates .. Hahahaha .. Clippie .. WizBang .. humor
track this site | 9 links

CBS and Dan Rather are determined to go down in flames .. CBS decided falsehoods don't matter .. THE END OF DAN RATHER? .. personally vouched .. on the attack .. Power Line .. stonewall .. Powerline .. says
track this site | 11 links

memos are forged .. Hugh Hewitt
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proportional spaced typewritters .. typewriter born of IBM .. 1941 (thanks Melic!) .. IBM History page .. 1941
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The Dishonesty Thing .. It's Krugman
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The World's Shortest Blog: Just One Question
track this site | 4 links

talked about the costs of RSS .. provides a decent explanation .. The Bandwidth Math on RSS .. Scoble's math .. soutient
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Bush memo .. points
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Stop being economic girly-men .. statistics never lie
track this site | 4 links

Top 500 .. Top500
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Tonight the blogosphere resounds with cries of forgery! .. "Bush Guard documents: Forged." .. MS Word default settings .. UNFIT FOR FORGERY .. quite a scoop .. implications .. documents .. Link 1
track this site | 11 links

TANG Typewriter Follies; Wingnuts Wrong .. The Daily Kos .. the day free
track this site | 22 links

obtained from the personal files of Col. Jerry Killian .. contained in a story on its website .. "documents are fake" .. stands by the story .. Bush-Guard Memos .. now saying .. statement .. sticking .. 1972
track this site | 18 links

distributed intellegence .. Belmont Club
track this site | 4 links

track this site | 4 links

Prowler .. here,
track this site | 4 links

Dan's cheesy defense .. For
track this site | 4 links

shows us here, it's even worse than that .. with a lot of tweaking .. here's a real reason .. The Shape of Days
track this site | 6 links

a story on it on A1 for tomorrow's edition .. Page A1 of the Washington Post .. this excellent article .. link to WaPo here .. Authenticity .. claims that
track this site | 5 links

TiVo, ReplayTV Agree to Limits .. Silicon Valley Mercury News
track this site | 5 links

Remembering Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain .. the forged documents story .. John H. Hinderaker, .. too good to be true .. Power Line Blog .. Linha De Poder .. PowerLineBlog .. 10,418 WORDS .. Powerline .. Powerline: .. Powerline .. Stop by
track this site | 4 links

the man who shot my paw .. that's really news .. Puppy shoots owner .. one of the dogs .. Read article .. cnn
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didn't get the military details .. Air Force nomenclature .. expert-sounding
track this site | 4 links

the widow is questioning the documents, too: .. the Bush AWOL documents could be fakes .. notes that her husband did not type .. other networks .. later cited .. Nightline .. ABC News .. ABC
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handed the forgeries to 60 Minutes .. 'Anatomy of a Forgery' .. The American Spectator .. experts
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This is weird: .. Go John!!! .. Link:;=Business&c;=31,1034852
track this site | 5 links

interviewed by WBAP News/Talk 820 .. PROBLEMS FOR DAN RATHER? .. Amy Barnes Stites;=wbaptopstories
track this site | 5 links

your moment of Zen .. dogs and frisbees;=all
track this site | 5 links A Maitreya Buddha fansite .. hatemongering racists .. Aaron Hawkins .. great name .. liberals .. uppity .. my
track this site | 5 links

The Kerry Spot on National Review Online (not a perma link) .. Lurch dumps Sandy "Pantload" Berger .. this memorable quote: .. Jim Geraghty .. salesguy .. reports .. BUSTED
track this site | 5 links

created with a modern version of Microsoft Word .. KEYSTROKE VETERANS FOR TRUth .. they might be fake .. Full Article .. or invention .. 60 Minutes .. CNSNEWS, .. writes .. Fake
track this site | 5 links

used the term "citizen journalist" .. Blogs 1, 60 Minutes 0 .. Tech Central Station .. Jay Currie .. You decide
track this site | 6 links

The Dallas Morning News .. Much worse: .. reports
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blog Word hoax humour .. Way ahead of me .. The Commissar .. sense
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This is an interesting Thread, there are ways you where you could actually decide on the gender of the baby. Ways, like Sexual Position, Timing and Frequency.

The answer consists lots of theories, methods and technologies (and off course !!! lot of interesting information)

It is an interesting answer to read (for an equally interesting question) :)

We have always known 25th December as birth date of Jesus Christ, but the fact is that no one knows the date and Year, then why 25th December ?

ted in knowing the reasons facts and other interesting information for choosing 25th December, Click on the link to read the complete answer ( )

Left Hand Drive.... why ? Best of Google Answers :)by Rajjesh (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

This is interesting, have you ever realized why we drive on right with a left hand drive cars ?

Think and then Click to read the complete answer.
No reason Best of Boardby Threepwood at September 11, 2004, 8:51 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Alternate Reality...... Best of Boardby JollyJack at September 10, 2004, 10:55 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

In a parallel universe....... Best of Boardby the space invaders are smoking grass at September 10, 2004, 10:53 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

John Rhys-Davies would've been in Flash Gordon
loooook out! Best of Boardby wellitstruethatweloveoneanother at September 10, 2004, 10:10 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Image Hosted by Woohoo! Front Page! Thank you, Magic Donkey
[no title] Best of Boardby Zak McFlimby at September 10, 2004, 7:09 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Magic hat..... Best of Boardby JollyJack at September 9, 2004, 5:17 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

[no title] Best of Boardby mofaha at September 9, 2004, 1:55 pm (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

: ) Best of Boardby pippy is looking for work at September 9, 2004, 8:19 am (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

lundi, septembre 6 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

It's making a very late stab at being summer, no? And just when I'd given up on the very idea and packed my bikinis away for the next six months. So I unexpectedly found myself topping up vitamin D reserves as I lolled in the garden reading books and sipping lemonade. The lemony kind, not the fizzy kind.

(n.b.: American readers, you may not know there is a fizzy kind of lemonade that does not contain anything remotely lemon-like, and that is what you will get if you order lemonade. And you will sit, horrified, looking at the glass and say, 'but I didn't order Sprite' and wonder what kind of mad people live here. Also, there will be no ice in the glass, and this will disturb you. You'll probably leave an absurdly low tip as a result, not realising that because no one in the UK leaves a tip at all, your implied insult will actually be taken as overexuberant tourist generosity. I know, because you were sitting next to me Friday afternoon at a cafe when it happened. I was the one wearing the floppy hat, reading.)

But this lemonade was The Real Thing, recipe passed on from the friend in Wiltshire (she of the recent party). She's invited me down to look after her place and raid the wine cellar, and I am powerless to refuse. What are the chances of next weekend being as nice as this one was though?
// posted by belle @ 2:09 PM
mercredi, septembre 1 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

N and I went to the gym together last night, ate a late supper at our second-favourite Italian, and repaired to mine for a cool drink and the usual.

I made a note to myself last night, so I wouldn't forget to tell you this morning: Mia Farrow must give good head.

Conversation went along these lines. Me: Ironically, by sleeping with men for money, I have managed to completely avoid anything lascivious or shady in the non-adult-entertainment industry.

He: Pity the casting couch seems to have passed into legend. Joan Crawford, they say, has a couple of blue movies making the rounds somewhere.

Me: Yeah. And the famous quote attributed to Marilyn, when she signed her first big contract: no more blow jobs.

He: Who said 'there goes the good time that was had by all,' and about whom?*

Me: I don't remember.

He: Me either. [n.b., the computer wasn't on and I couldn't be bothered to check. We are a very civilised salon de Jour.]

Me: It can't have been someone who wore the label of slut with pride, like Mae West. Maybe Jean Harlow?

He: Could be. But I bet Bette Davis was one dirty fucker. Pretty in an average way, and possibly the best actress of her generation - but with that face, she so must have done anything to get her big breaks.

Me: Well it can't have been Katharine Hepburn or anyone like her. Ice queen.

He: I bet not. I hear she swung both ways.

Me: Ava Gardner?

He: You know that quote of hers about Frank Sinatra?

Me: About his being a 97-pound weakling who was 96 pounds of cock?

He: That's the one. Of course, I was reading something the other day that all but said he had the equipment, but no idea what to do with it.

Me: Honestly, why would he have to? He is Frank, after all. And what did he do with Mia Farrow anyway? She's like a lollipop woman. She'd break under the strain.

He: Big mouth though.

Me: I suppose. But, Mia Farrow? Married to Sinatra, Previn, Allen? Three guys at the top of their professions? And a skinny little body like that. Hysterical cow to boot. What's the deal?

He: She must give great head.

* it was said by Bette Davis, not about her.
// posted by belle @ 10:41 AM
vendredi, septembre 10 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

The foot fetishists, they are top.

I don't understand their fetish, I don't see the appeal myself - feet are nice enough, but not that nice. But boy can I cater to it, and they certainly seem to like me.

Despite altogether too large a fraction of my life spent in stilettos, my feet are in surprisingly good shape. Fine-boned, high-arched, uncalloused and blessed with nicely-shaped toes and toenails. Of my physical features I would rate the feet rather highly. I don't spend very much time on them, preferring a single clear lick of varnish to a full-on pedicure, and yet they seem to do quite well.

I met S earlier than my normal appointments. Midafternoon at a central hotel. He had requested no stockings, and 'pretty' shoes. Nonspecific. Not a shoe fetishist, then, I wagered. I wore the violet peep-toed ones, with the open instep and little shiny bow on the side.

There is always the moment of doubt on meeting a client - will this work? Is he nice? Is this even the right person? On meeting S, he smiled, looked me in the eyes, and his gaze dropped immediately to the floor. I knew we were on, and this definitely the man.

He led me into the suite. I sat. He poured drinks, handed me one, and sat on the floor by my chair. He was average height, slim, narrow-shouldered with a cut-glass accent and a plump lower lip. With one hand he slipped the right shoe off my foot. He nodded, as you imagine a jeweller would on seeing a fine gem. 'Five,' he said, referring (one assumes) to the size of my foot and not the number of toes.

'Yes,' I said. He had asked, before booking the appointment.

He put his drink on the table and unsheathed the other foot, turning its underside toward him, running his thumb along its length. 'Ticklish?'


'Good.' His warm fingers pressed lightly on the top of my foot. 'Clean?'

'As per instructions,' I said. I had worried that not wearing stocking might make them a little sweaty in transit, but if this was the case, he did not seem to mind. 'Why no stockings?'

'I'm not interested in your legs,' he said, nuzzling the underside of both feet together.

Fair enough. I'm indifferent to them myself. S removed his clothes and spent the next twenty minutes on the floor, shuffling his naked body under my feet as I held my legs bent, thighs raised from the seat. He especially lingered with my feet over his face. But he was not a toe sucker, and seemed to prefer that I keep the feet together.

I looked at him for some time, then having discerned that he didn't want me to do very much, my eyes wandered toward the window. The curtains were open but a sheer privacy curtain was still drawn. There was street noise outside, but we were fairly high up, so nothing was distinct. And the sound of his back moving over the carpet. I wondered if he wouldn't get burns. My feet were over his face again, and he moved his head from side to side.

'Wmmph hmmph mmph mmp,' he said.


'Wiggle your toes.' Finally, he brought the two feet down to his crotch, cupping them around his balls as he masturbated.

'Nails,' he said. 'Dig the nails.' I dug the nails. He came. Lifting my soles off him, I could see the pink crescents some of the nails had left in his thigh. I held the feet in midair again as he tended to them with a baby wipe, then dressed and poured me another drink. We turned on the television and watched a gardening show.
// posted by belle @ 3:37 PM
lundi, septembre 6 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Minor mystery:

Minicab drivers don't want to talk to you. They talk to their dispatchers, on their mobiles, to people in other cars - but not to you. They may not know where they're going, but you'll never have to answer the awkward question about what you're doing out this time of night dressed like that.

Black cab drivers just want to talk. Often so much so that they appear to navigate best facing over their left shoulders, telling you about their holidays in Portugal. You'll get there, all right, but not without a thorough test of your powers of elusion.

// posted by belle @ 5:02 PM
mercredi, septembre 1 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Why didn't you mention this?

Why didn't you mention that?

My perception was completely different.

I am not an assistant.

Here's the thing, people. Well, not the thing, but a thing. See, diaries are not the truth. They are my recollection and perception of what happens. The truth according to me. Things get glossed over. Sometimes people are reduced to footnotes (you know, I'm sure Cain was a nice guy once you got to know him, but there's only so much room for scene-setting). If I wrote everything about everything, we'd be here a pretty long time, and even the sex would get boring.

The entry from the 31st has been removed. That will teach me to write about people whom I know will read it.

In the future, should anyone ask why I would like to remain anonymous, I refer to this post.

// posted by belle @ 12:38 PM
vendredi, septembre 10 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

The foot fetishists, they are top.

I don't understand their fetish, I don't see the appeal myself - feet are nice enough, but not that nice. But boy can I cater to it, and they certainly seem to like me.

Despite altogether too large a fraction of my life spent in stilettos, my feet are in surprisingly good shape. Fine-boned, high-arched, uncalloused and blessed with nicely-shaped toes and toenails. Of my physical features I would rate the feet rather highly. I don't spend very much time on them, preferring a single clear lick of varnish to a full-on pedicure, and yet they seem to do quite well.

I met S earlier than my normal appointments. Midafternoon at a central hotel. He had requested no stockings, and 'pretty' shoes. Nonspecific. Not a shoe fetishist, then, I wagered. I wore the violet peep-toed ones, with the open instep and little shiny bow on the side.

There is always the moment of doubt on meeting a client - will this work? Is he nice? Is this even the right person? On meeting S, he smiled, looked me in the eyes, and his gaze dropped immediately to the floor. I knew we were on, and this definitely the man.

He led me into the suite. I sat. He poured drinks, handed me one, and sat on the floor by my chair. He was average height, slim, narrow-shouldered with a cut-glass accent and a plump lower lip. With one hand he slipped the right shoe off my foot. He nodded, as you imagine a jeweller would on seeing a fine gem. 'Five,' he said, referring (one assumes) to the size of my foot and not the number of toes.

'Yes,' I said. He had asked, before booking the appointment.

He put his drink on the table and unsheathed the other foot, turning its underside toward him, running his thumb along its length. 'Ticklish?'


'Good.' His warm fingers pressed lightly on the top of my foot. 'Clean?'

'As per instructions,' I said. I had worried that not wearing stocking might make them a little sweaty in transit, but if this was the case, he did not seem to mind. 'Why no stockings?'

'I'm not interested in your legs,' he said, nuzzling the underside of both feet together.

Fair enough. I'm indifferent to them myself. S removed his clothes and spent the next twenty minutes on the floor, shuffling his naked body under my feet as I held my legs bent, thighs raised from the seat. He especially lingered with my feet over his face. But he was not a toe sucker, and seemed to prefer that I keep the feet together.

I looked at him for some time, then having discerned that he didn't want me to do very much, my eyes wandered toward the window. The curtains were open but a sheer privacy curtain was still drawn. There was street noise outside, but we were fairly high up, so nothing was distinct. And the sound of his back moving over the carpet. I wondered if he wouldn't get burns. My feet were over his face again, and he moved his head from side to side.

'Wmmph hmmph mmph mmp,' he said.


'Wiggle your toes.' Finally, he brought the two feet down to his crotch, cupping them around his balls as he masturbated.

'Nails,' he said. 'Dig the nails.' I dug the nails. He came. Lifting my soles off him, I could see the pink crescents some of the nails had left in his thigh. I held the feet in midair again as he tended to them with a baby wipe, then dressed and poured me another drink. We turned on the television and watched a gardening show.
// posted by belle @ 3:37 PM
vendredi, septembre 3 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Switched on the mobile yesterday afternoon to find three missed calls and a dozen texts. SH has gotten out of hand, and this has ballooned into what he is now calling 'The Lie.'

From the way he was reacting, you would have thought I'd told him there was no Father Christmas.

I don't really class our last conversation as a lie as such - more an evasion. I went out with friends, one of them was N, I didn't immediately ring and tell him. I didn't tell him when I showered at the gym, either, or the last time I had a bowel movement. Do those count as lies as well? There are people who will say the concepts are one and the same. But since he had been spying on me, and was clearly setting me up to accuse me of something, I don't feel terrible about it.

I had a client to meet and didn't feel like ringing SH. Unfortunately, tact being one of my weaker suits, we did trade a few texts on my way out. So while I tried to be calm and hold back, telling him 'this is really not what I need to come home to' is about as kind and lovey-dovey-girfriendy as it got. Wittering on about these things in an endless circle of discussion is not on my agenda.

I really do make a rubbish girlfriend.

And he didn't change his tone at all. Finally, exhausted by the text tennis and needing to mentally prepare myself for work, I texted back:
Good night. I hope your righteous indignation keeps you warm.
Several hours later, after I had showered and the client had bathed, and we put the furniture back where it had started, drained another bottle of white and talked about our respective summer holidays, I did wonder why things could be so light and easy with a near-stranger. When I checked the phone later, SH had texted a goodnight kiss.

// posted by belle @ 1:57 PM
vendredi, septembre 3 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Someone bring me the head of Ben Kweller. Now.

Preferably with the body still attached.

Alive would be nice.

// posted by belle @ 2:28 PM
jeudi, septembre 2 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Not very much to write about, aside from continuing hair saga. Yes, I have gone back to the people who did this. Yes, everyone assures me it's not that bad. Nevertheless, it's not what I wanted.


Also SH is persona non grata at the moment. Largely because he appears to be following me around. Sample:

He: What did you do last night?

Me: Gym, food, sleep. [n.b. - for the second night running]

He: Did you eat out or in?

Me: Out.

He: Who with?

N and a friend called C and another friend A. I asked A what he thought the best way to get hold of SH's brother was (for, er, completely legitimate purposes. For now.). His response? "With a giant net."

Me: Some people.

He: Including N?

Now, he and N know about each other, and everyone has assured me everything's cool. I know N well enough to know that in his case, he's telling the truth. And yes it does go both ways - N is doing the dirty with M, and is trying to arrange a threesome with both of us, which I'm well up for. M has scheduling issues. But I'm starting to suspect SH wasn't telling me the truth and in fact is not cool with this.

Me: Does it matter? [There is the part of me that thinks this response is probably confrontational and damaging, but it's on holiday this week.]

He: I just don't want to feel like you're lying to me.

Me: I'm not lying to you. Why does it matter whom I ate with?

He: Because I saw you walking with him, is all.

So instead of saying hello, and may he join us, he rings me up the next day to plant conversational minefields? Whoah. Fuck. Creepy. Wrong. Can I date a normal person, someday, please? He goes on about how great Sunday/last month/France was, and why can't I be more like I was on Sunday/last month/France, because as we all know it's one person who makes a relationship work and certainly not both. And no one has off days, ever. Anyway, interminable minutes more of this before I say,

Me: Are you really willing to lose me so you can make a stupid point?

He: (silence)

Me: I think I have to go now.

I've left the phone off today.

// posted by belle @ 5:16 PM
mardi, septembre 7 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Was waiting for N outside an overground station. I had just come from meeting a client out of town, N had just finished work nearby. A young man next to me was looking up and down the road for buses, headphones plugged in to his ears, the music far too loud for the relatively quiet street. I tapped him on the shoulder.

'I like that song,' I said.

'Oh?' He looked surprised. 'You like [name of band]?'

Oh, okay, I'll come clean. About the song I mean.

Alice in Chains. Man In the Box.

I know, I know. Whatever shreds of respect you may have had for me have just vanished. Yoof of today can keep their Fred Durst and their Linkin Park and their Avril-bloody-Lavigne. Back in my salad days, disaffected middle class teenagers shuffled their ill-fitting jeans to the likes of The Mission and Sisters of Mercy. Because, frankly, baggy was just too cheerful for the pain in our souls. Sit down, sit down, sit down next to me? Begone.

The young man smiled. 'When was the last time someone told you you're gorgeous?'

'About forty minutes ago.'

N's car came up to the kerb. 'Nice dress,' he said as I got in. 'When I drove up I thought, well, she can't be the cute one in the dress.'

'You've seen me in this before.'

'Have I?' I reminded him when. 'That was months ago. You look sweet, anyway.'

We went back to mine for a cup of tea. He leafed through my magazines. I took off my shoes and rested my legs over his lap. We started fooling around, but his touch felt strange, almost ticklish. I was very premenstrual and slight touches were uncomfortable. But I didn't want to be treated roughly, either.

We grappled on the sofa for a bit before he gave up. 'Not in the mood, are you?' N asked. 'That's okay.'

I felt bad. After all, I'd just come from fucking someone. But work sex feels different, is not tied to interest or desire.

But I knew why I wasn't especially interested. 'You know what this month is to me?'

'I know what it is.' N folded his arm around my head. 'You're not over him, are you?' He didn't mean SH, he didn't mean the Boy. He meant the one before that.

'I don't miss him.' N gave me a doubtful look. 'I barely remember what he was like now. I miss the idea of him.' The idea that there is one person you fall in love with, one right person, and you will spend the rest of your lives - or a sizeable portion of them - together.

'You want me to stay or go?'

'I'll feel bad for kicking you out this late.'

'Don't,' N said. He dressed, picked up his bag and left quietly.
// posted by belle @ 11:47 AM
mercredi, septembre 8 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

I was kneeling over a prone client, pulling his cock and balls. This one was a gusher; the amount of pre-come he was producing was staggering. My thumb and forefingers were already sticky with it, and a fat drop rolled down the shaft.

He reached up to stroke my face. From that angle, the soft hand, chalk-white skin, dark hair - he looked like someone else. I feel like there are crossed wires in my head, making me see ghosts that aren't there.

'Your neck,' he murmured, and I wasn't sure who was saying it.

When I was young I believed that by concentrating hard enough, anyone who was thinking about me would be able to see for a few moments through my eyes, wherever I was, and hear and feel what was happening. When Being John Malkovich came out I was stunned at how closely the film resembled this half-forgotten fantasy.

I wondered who might be thinking about me, and would they be seeing this? My hands on someone else's shoulders, a dark trail of hair on the lower belly that looked far too familiar?

After the sex, I rested my head on his chest. One of his legs flexed, one straight, it happened again. The ghost. It must sneak in as autumn sun slanting through the window. Hundreds of motes stirring in the slight breeze, picking up crackling bits of memory and sticking them together. I closed my eyes. At least his smell was different. That put things right.

'I'd like to see you again,' he said as I dressed.

'That would be nice,' I replied, and meant it perhaps a little more than is good for me.

// posted by belle @ 11:49 AM
vendredi, septembre 10 Belle de Jourby belle (cached at September 12, 2004, 1:15 am) flag all up to this item

Thank you pedants, but no, the client wasn't supine - he was prone. Chest on the bed, head turned to the left, his lower body positioned so he was on his right hip. I was on my knees next to him, pulling his cock to (what would have been to him) his left and (what was to me) up and towards me. He was not on his back.

I may be silly, but I'm not stupid.
// posted by belle @ 9:31 AM