Sunday September 19

The Care Global scam

The first email I get from a user of and it turns out that it may be a scam.

I got an email from a user called Melissa Browney from the US that contained a great deal of information about the relief agency she worked for, called Care Global. It's certainly no fly by night operation!

The second email I got from her, which appeared almost immediately after I replied, contained a lot of information about HOW TO DONATE to Care Global and how to contribute to it. This second email also contained Melissa's work phone number (1-309-423-2181, can someone in the States call this number and see if there really is a Melissa Browney working there?), her HOME ADDRESS (I'm not publishing that in case Ms Browney is really sincere) and some very very very direct romantic intentions (which seemed a bit smarmy to me).

I wrote back expressing no interest in Care Global or donating and I haven't heard back from her in almost two weeks.

I wrote to informing them of this abuse of their facilities. I'm sure it is abuse, but I also think Ms Browney is probably a sincere worker for Care Global, albeit a bit naughty for co-opting an email penpal facility to promote her organisation.

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