7 Signs Your B2B Business Needs to Adopt Agile Marketing

The core of Agile is the ability to respond more quickly and effectively – change. Short bursts of focused work that are prioritized, reviewed and then changed. Forget all the principles, frameworks and jargon – according to a B2B copywriter who practices Agile marketing, the most important aspect is mindset.

Agile requires a different way of thinking, being willing to assess effectiveness and change your strategy according to what you’re seeing in the market – not three to six months later when the campaign is over. Given the speed of market and customer change, this is more relevant than ever before.

Even though Agile can have a significant impact on your performance, it’s not for everyone. To follow is a checklist, helping you to determine whether it’s right for you. Agile marketing might be right for you if:

  • Your team is beset by multiple requests from the organization and struggles to prioritize.
  • It struggles to complete work to set deadlines and is running to stand still.
  • It takes a long time to bring campaigns to market (by which time market conditions and customer preferences may have changed).
  • You are chained to long-term marketing plans and budgets that leave you with little flexibility to react to marketplace changes.
  • You work in an industry where there is constant product innovation and/or short sales cycles.
  • The marketing team is disengaged or is siloed within the business.
  • Your metrics have stagnated – or you need to deliver a step-change in growth – and traditional campaign tweaks such as A/B testing are not moving the needle sufficiently.