Top 10 B2B Copywriters to Hire in 2020

With good B2B content, you can increase trust in your brand, strengthen relationships with customers, drive inbound traffic, generate demand, build authority in the industry, and educate prospects. That’s why many leading B2B companies invest in the best content B2B copywriters. But a good B2B copywriter is hard to pin down. They need strong researchContinue reading “Top 10 B2B Copywriters to Hire in 2020”

3 Key Roles Inside a B2B Agile Marketing Team

The optimum size of an Agile team is between six to 10 people and has three elements, the product owner, the scrum master and the team itself. 1. Scrum Master The scrum master is responsible for leading the day-to-day running of the team. They need good communication and negotiation skills, excellent organization and effective leadership.Continue reading “3 Key Roles Inside a B2B Agile Marketing Team”

7 Signs Your B2B Business Needs to Adopt Agile Marketing

The core of Agile is the ability to respond more quickly and effectively – change. Short bursts of focused work that are prioritized, reviewed and then changed. Forget all the principles, frameworks and jargon – according to a B2B copywriter who practices Agile marketing, the most important aspect is mindset. Agile requires a different wayContinue reading “7 Signs Your B2B Business Needs to Adopt Agile Marketing”

4 Ways the Internet is Changing B2B Marketing Forever

In the past five years the internet has led to a radical change in the international B2B market. Seventy per cent of the B2B buyer journey now takes place online and anonymously. The traditional sales organisation is losing its grip on the market. Additionally, a new generation of buyers has emerged with a strong onlineContinue reading “4 Ways the Internet is Changing B2B Marketing Forever”

Roadmap to B2B Digital Marketing Planning

Business executives understand having a well-crafted business strategy and clear goals for one’s business is critical. Your overall business objectives and strategy will effect every part of your organization and form the basis of your marketing strategy. If you have not already done so, work with a B2B copywriter to plot your strategy that yourContinue reading “Roadmap to B2B Digital Marketing Planning”

B2B Social Media Marketing: Benefits and Strategy Roadmap

As B2B technology-oriented companies build out their marketing strategies and tactical plans, many CEOs and VPs of Marketing are still finding themselves asking the following question: should our organization be on social media? The answer is: absolutely! In a recent B2B technology content marketing report, 96% of those surveyed reported using social media content asContinue reading “B2B Social Media Marketing: Benefits and Strategy Roadmap”