August 19, 2023

Akamai News usage index

Akamai is tracking the number of people who are consuming news from news sites like CNN and BBC around the world. And its providing the numbers on its news usage zeitgeist page. In the last 24 hours six out of seven news site visitors get their news from American sites.

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Online social tagging is not about sharing

A landmark study from the HP research department finds that social bookmarking is less about sharing than we thought. A large portion of the tags on used by the study group to describe documents on the web were self-referencing (ie mycomments) or for self-organising purposes (ie toread). As an example, in the last 15 days, over 30,000 links had no tags in them, suggesting that they were less for sharing than for self-tracking. But this was not a study of motives, but rather of finding out how links were used and how they were being described. Probably the next step is to distribute a qualitative survey via to its users, asking for information to provide insights into motives of tagging.

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