Roadmap to B2B Digital Marketing Planning

Business executives understand having a well-crafted business strategy and clear goals for one’s business is critical. Your overall business objectives and strategy will effect every part of your organization and form the basis of your marketing strategy. If you have not already done so, work with a B2B copywriter to plot your strategy that yourContinue reading “Roadmap to B2B Digital Marketing Planning”

B2B Social Media Marketing: Benefits and Strategy Roadmap

As B2B technology-oriented companies build out their marketing strategies and tactical plans, many CEOs and VPs of Marketing are still finding themselves asking the following question: should our organization be on social media? The answer is: absolutely! In a recent B2B technology content marketing report, 96% of those surveyed reported using social media content asContinue reading “B2B Social Media Marketing: Benefits and Strategy Roadmap”

Benefits and Best Practices of B2B Email Marketing

Email marketing is commonly viewed as a cost effective marketing channel, however that should not imply that significant investments in this tactic are uncommon. Expenses in email marketing include list rental, email deployment programs, email deliverability services and list building initiatives, to name a few. It is one of those tactics that can be eitherContinue reading “Benefits and Best Practices of B2B Email Marketing”

7 Types of Marketing Content That B2B Businesses Need

Sales behaviors are changing, and leads spend more time online educating themselves before reaching out to your sales team. A solid content marketing strategy ensures your prospective customers have high quality resources to learn about your company and your offerings on their own. The purpose of content marketing is therefore to develop educational, entertaining orContinue reading “7 Types of Marketing Content That B2B Businesses Need”

5 Core Components of B2B Digital Marketing

The world of digital marketing is an ever-growing and evolving landscape filled with new technologies and best practices. Things will continue to evolve each year, but there are five core areas that should be the foundation of any successful, well-rounded B2B digital marketing strategy that you need a B2B copywriter for: Content Marketing Online MarketingContinue reading “5 Core Components of B2B Digital Marketing”